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Woodbridge sits in the shadow of a large Monastery dedicated to the worship of Dol Arrah. The ruler of the town is the Head Abbott of the Monastery.


Population: 1,541, Size: 48 acres Demographics: Human (79%), Halfling (9%), Elf (5%), Dwarf (3%), Gnome (2%), Half-Elf (1%), Half-Orc (1%)   Defenses: 10 trained warriors serve in the town's defense, and a militia of 154 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Jacoba Winchester, Female Human.


Tavern: The Slaughtered Arrow Owner: Kendrick Trowbridge, Male Human   Location: The street outside has a town crier/abbot with the latest news and gossip. Description: The tavern is a terra cotta rowhouse, with a green tile roof and a large cellar. It contains antique cabinets filled with oddities and a fire pit cooking food in the middle of the tavern.   Blacksmith: The Exalted Groove Owner: Leshanna Amakiir, Female Elf   Location: Near the Monastery The street outside has pickpockets looking for marks and has a row of beggars harassing passers-by.   Description: The blacksmith is a brick cabin, with a reinforced wooden door and roughly hewn wooden furniture. It contains a large open floor with pillars and horseshoes and metal hanging from the rafters.   General Store: Roger's General Store Owner: Roger Stratford, Male Human   Location: In an adventurer's district. The street outside is crowded with shoppers.   Description: The general store is a timber and brick tower, with an orange shingled roof and finely crafted furniture. It contains taxidermied birds hanging from the ceiling. The owner tends to run up prices for outsiders.


Road Travel
Woodbridge to Lokenvale 107 Miles
Woodbridge to Rockshire 97 Miles
Woodbridge to Wyestone 183 Miles

Air Travel
Woodbridge to Rockshire 74 Miles
Ruling/Owning Rank

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