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Rockshire is a Sovereign City Las Vegas Style town. Corrupt, Mafia Corruption. Not part of the Albion Empire. The City is fought over by 3 families. One Halfling (Reginard Boulderhill) in Ivy Hill, One Dwarf (Skordan Grimhelm) in Helms Ferry, one Mixed Clan Storm Peak Clan lead by a Tabaxi (Wildcard) in Sunrise Side and the Ravens Bridge.   The Hanmouth River flows eastward from the Rotten Hills through the city into the Gneiss Sea.


Demographics: Halfling (30%), Dwarf (28%), Tabaxi (18%) , Elf (10%), Human (7%), Half-Elf (6%), Other (1%)


Tavern: The Flustered Respite
Owner: Lance Franklin, Male Human
  Location: In Helms Ferry. The street outside is adjacent to a small office and is next to a grand hall.

Description: The tavern is plaster and wood-framed rowhouse, with a white tile roof and vines covering the walls and roof. It is well-lit by a few magical torches. It contains an inviting hearth and very few tables and chairs.
    Blacksmith: The Bulettes Chain
Owner: Solomon Raybrook, Male Halfling
  Location: In the main street near Ivy Hill. The street outside has drunken revelers.
Description: The blacksmith is a brick two-story building, with a red tile roof and a row of flowers around the building. It contains a well-stocked workshop and horseshoes and metal hanging from the rafters.
  Alchemist: Wondrous Visions
Owner: Drogo Melancon, Male Gnome   Location: In Sunrise Side. The street outside is a covered walkway with many twinkling lights.
Description: The alchemist is in an adobe cabin, with a reinforced wooden door and tile flooring. It contains a high vaulted ceiling and a massive glass orb full of a green liquid.   Enchanter: The Enchanter's Monitor
Owner: Gale of the Storm (Gale), Female Tabaxi   Location: In a major crossroads near the Ravens Bridge. The street outside is shaded by large trees.
Description: The enchanter is an adobe and sprawling single-story building, with a gray shingled roof and softly blowing chimes by the door. It contains an old-looking telescope and stained glass windows.   General Store: The Potted Merchant Exchange
Owner: Eleanor Leadbrow, Female Dwarf   Location: Near Helms Ferry. The street outside is lined with a low stone wall.
Description: The general store is a plaster rowhouse, with a brown tile roof and well-made wooden furniture. Potted Plants line the outside and inside of the Store. Several battered shields hang on the walls. It contains an old-looking telescope and the walls are covered in paintings and advertisements.   Bakery: The Shadough
Owner: Wilyas Whisperbarrel, Male Halfling

Location: In the main street near Ivy Hill near The Pole. The street outside has drunken revelers.
Description: The bakery is a plaster and brick building, with a red tile roof and shuttered windows. It contains a large brass countertop and closely packed shelves of baked goods.

Points of interest

Helms Ferry
The Talisman
The Cerulean Gardens
Critical Misdemeanor

Ivy Hill
The Mystic Grotto
Lucky Oleander

Sunrise Side
The Golden Shadow
The Grinning Djinn - Raven Bridge - Small
High Class
The Full Nightingale - Tall Folk
The Gold n Touch - Small Folk

Upper middle class
The Ladies Grace
The Randy Queen
Honeysuckle House
The Bards and the Bees

The Naughty Narwal - dirty
The Sirens Song - cleaner

Middle Class
The Full Moon
Tumbler's Post

The Bucking Frothel
The Bawdy Mineshaft


Road Travel
Rockshire to Lokenvale 97 Miles

Sea Travel
Rockshire to Astrafell 215 Miles (Sea)
Rockshire to Baronvale 300 Miles (Sea)
Rockshire to Cape Kaizoku 248 Miles (Sea)
Rockshire to Ravenbluff 285 Miles (Sea)

Air Travel
Rockshire to Astrafell 161 Miles
Rockshire to Baybury 184 Miles
Rockshire to Blightfen 338 Miles
Rockshire to Cape Kaizoku 174 Miles
Rockshire to Calelita 254 Miles
Rockshire to Flen 220 Miles
Rockshire to Fortona Pier 212 Miles
Rockshire to Goldenmaw 396 Miles
Rockshire to Greywater 401 Miles
Rockshire to Hilltop 304 Miles
Rockshire to Kewick 247 Miles
Rockshire to Kucca 386 Miles
Rockshire to Lokenvale 161 Miles
Rockshire to Lovers Crossroad 300 Miles
Rockshire to Mayford 371 Miles
Rockshire to Misuti Cove 228 Miles
Rockshire to Port Senshi 266 Miles
Rockshire to Pontil 277 Miles
Rockshire to Quel 338 Miles
Rockshire to Ravenbluff 230 Miles
Rockshire to Stars Hollow 335 Miles
Rockshire to Vinorien Keep 370 Miles
Rockshire to Wetrock 449 Miles
Rockshire to Whiteburn 420 Miles
Rockshire to Woodbridge 74 Miles
Rockshire to Wyestone 154 Miles
Rockshire to Yebas 341 Miles

Articles under Rockshire


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