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Mad for Love

Criminal Activity


Blizu asks the Circle of Six to help a friend of his named Griselda who has been worrying about a local toymaker artificer named Omerund. He has been a recluse and his shop has not been open for days since an incident. This never happens. The Circle is asked to investigate his shop and make sure he is ok. After the investigation and a fight with the security in the shop, they discover his assistant Farkas in the basement. He tells them Omerund has already succeeded in his plan to drug the city with a love potion so all the people would love him again.

Blizu asks the Circle of Six to help a friend of his named Griselda who has been worrying about a local toymaker artificer named Omerund. He has been a recluse and his Toy shop has not been open for days since an incident. He is not known to close up his shop and is often full of kids and playing with his countless creations.   The Circle is asked to investigate his shop and make sure he is ok. They discover some of his early designs of automatons "Tinker Soldiers" guarding his workshop. After the investigation and a fight with the security in the shop, they discover his assistant Farkas in the basement. He tells them Omerund has already succeeded in his plan to drug the city with a love potion so all the people would love him again. Brerenax grapples Farkas and takes him with them to confront Omerund.   The party rushes to the local town well where they see Omerund standing and holding a potion over the opening of the well. Estra (now known as Caia) immediately casts "mage hand" to grab the potion from his hand and puts it into the bag of holding. Omerund assuming he has been caught and is going to be arrested orders the Tinker Soldiers to attack the party. After the battle, the Six learn that Omerund was not really wanting to do any of this and it was all Farkas' idea. He just wants to make toys and never really wanted to build something to hurt someone else. The party decides to give Farkas the love potion so he loves Omerund and sends them on their way. Justice being served.

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The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)