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The Path of Nightshade

A Group of adventurers that banded together and are seeking answers about the mysteries of Hrothbert and Winifred.   They formed after The Circle of Six seperated when Aela Shepard and Brerenax Minstrelson were called to Ethios .   Thuniel Simbelmyne and Bobushio the Pirate King joined the rest of the group including Alcath Cinderarm, Estra Gatrell, Gilly Button and Mozakosh. They rebranded and named themselves The Path of Nightshade.   Later Estra Gatrell and Alcath Cinderarm pursued individual interests and the remaining 4 members continued the quest themselves as The Path of Nightshade.


Nightshade refers to a species of potato

Articles under The Path of Nightshade

  • 225 VE

    4 Febolla
    225 VE

    4 Febolla

    The Circle of Six meet
    Life, Career
  • 225 VE

    5 Febolla
    225 VE

    5 Febolla

    The Firelight Festival
    Cultural event

    The Firelight Festival. The circle meet Betty and Neville. Brerenax performs in the play. Estra buys a star map from Doose's Market Owned and run by Taylor Doose.

    Stars Hollow
  • 225 VE

    6 Febolla
    225 VE

    22 Febolla

    Kidnapped by the Forgotten Heirs
    Life, Milestone
  • 225 VE

    22 Febolla
    225 VE

    24 Febolla

    Travel to Blightfen

    After the escape from the Nine Hells the party travels to Blightfen to meet up with Alcath and Brerenax.

  • 225 VE

    24 Febolla
    225 VE

    24 Febolla 13:00

    Blightfen - Gilly is Attacked by Frances
    Life, Career

    Meet up with Alcath and Brerenax, Party visits Nelville. Gilly is Attacked by Frances. They spare him.

  • 225 VE

    24 Febolla 14:00
    225 VE

    25 Febolla

    Travel South
    Discovery, Exploration

    Party Travels south and it attacked again by Frances. Party Kills Frances.

  • 225 VE

    25 Febolla
    225 VE

    26 Febolla

    The Black Fang Clan
    Military action

    The Black Fang Clan attacks The Circle of Six and after a few encounters the party is escorted to Kucca to stand trial for the crimes of trespassing on there land and killing a captain of the clan.

  • 225 VE

    26 Febolla
    225 VE

    27 Febolla

    Trial of the Circle
    Criminal Activity

    Party stands trial and agrees to clear a haunted castle in Wetrock for the Clan as penance for their crimes.

  • 225 VE

    27 Febolla
    225 VE

    4 Marchette

    The Arevon Castle
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Circle travel to Wetrock and clear a Haunted Castle for the Black Fang Clan. The Party gets Gilderoy - Suit of Armor.

    Arevon Castle
    More reading
    Gilderoy - Suit of Armor
  • 225 VE

    4 Marchette
    225 VE

    4 Marchette

    The Celebration of Kucca
    Cultural event

    The Black Fang Clan Celebration for the Victory of Wetrock. The party was taught about Ancestral Weapons as a reward.

  • 225 VE

    5 Marchette

    Shura Kidnapped - The Heirs Attack
    Diplomatic action
  • 225 VE

    5 Marchette
    225 VE

    9 Marchette

    Back to Hell

    The Six travel with Gorlag back to Avernes to save Shura. They charmed Azrenas into taking them back to there lair. They tie him up and put him in a crypt/coffen. They found Ezramol interrogating Shura to the location of the "Journal." The six slay Ezramol during a encounter and Vozgan escapes down the hall and frees Azrenas.

  • 225 VE

    9 Marchette
    225 VE

    9 Marchette

    The Tower of Aunai

    In the Town of Kucca Aela is granted access to the tower of Aunai. They passed the 5 tests. She is now the keeper of the tower that is accessed through the Waterfall. Aela was also gifted "Regent" her long sword.   Party advances to Level 5

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    11 Marchette
    225 VE

    12 Marchette

    Death of a Dragon Slayer
    Scientific achievement

    In preparation for the eminent battle the party went to collect blood from a Behir in order to consecrate weapons. Traveled deep into a cave to confront the creature. They slayed the beast and collected much blood and dragon scales.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    12 Marchette 06:00
    225 VE

    12 Marchette 10:00

    The Ritual of Ancestral Weapons
    Cultural event

    Shura reveals the process of creating Ancestral Weapons. After a bonfire, some weapons coated in blood and Mozakosh going into a "ancestral spirit state" The "Blooming Thorn" "Curvy" and "Daemoria's Mantle" are created.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    13 Marchette 9:00
    225 VE

    13 Marchette 12:00

    Trouble in the Mad's House
    Civil action

    The Six investigate a smoke stack within the city gates. Bholl the mads house in smoking from inside. The investigation shows a "Helper Cooking" Golem that has been sabotaged be a demon scout and his imps to destroy plans & disrupt the plans for the upcoming attack. After the demons and golem are taken care of the party hears the horns sound.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    13 Marchette 18:00
    225 VE

    13 Marchette 20:00

    The Defense Council
    Gathering / Conference

    The Horns sounded announcing the arrival of Allies from Astrafell. Jorn Gatrell, Luther Dandrun and Marwynn Fenwick come to attend the Defense Council preparing for the Siege on Kucca from Vozgans Army.   People attending the Council Gorlag, Xulag, Shura, Uhmaddar, Kurrash, Luther Dandrun, Jorn Gatrell, Bilzu, Marwynn Fenwick, Aela Shepard, Brerenax Mistrelson, Mozakosh, Gilly Button, Estra Gatrell, Alcath Cinderarm   After the battle defense plan is decided Marwynn gives Gorlag, Xulag, Aela and Jorn scrolls to help them communicate.

  • 225 VE

    13 Marchette 20:00
    225 VE

    13 Marchette 21:00

    Enemies at the Gates
    Military action

    The Horns sounds and after the sun has set the Army of Vozgan is announced. The party sees a large army looming at the gates with smoke and ash filling the air. Silhouettes of large creatures and dragon like roars fill the air.   An emissary from the army appears telling the party "give us the book or you will be destroyed you have 1 hour."

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    13 Marchette 22:00
    225 VE

    14 Aprea 04:00

    The Battle of Kucca
    Military action

    The Battle of Kucca - Vozgan vs the Black Fang Clan with the Cirlce of Six

  • 225 VE

    14 Marchette 16:00
    225 VE

    14 Marchette 17:00

    Aela and Brerenax DTR
    Life, Milestone

    Aela and Brerenax have a conversation about how they feel about each other and decide to proceed with the relationship

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    14 Marchette 19:00
    225 VE

    14 Marchette 20:00

    Gilly teaches the Orcs how to cook Colcannon

    As a celebration a day after her birthday Gilly makes Colcannon. She also gets to fly on a hippogriff for the first time.

  • 225 VE

    15 Marchette 01:00
    225 VE

    16 Marchette

    Discoveries of the "Journal"
    Gathering / Conference

    After the battle of Kucca the orcs have a party and Circle unwind after the events of the past week. They discover that the Black Fang clan may desert Kucca and relocate to Wetrock as 2/3 of there clan were slain in the encounter. Gorlag, Xulag, Shura, Marwynn, and the Circle meet to discuss what to do with the "Journal" and examine it closer. It is decided to have Marwynn take the Journal to the Aislinn Tower with an armed escort and have them study it further.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    16 Marchette
    225 VE

    19 Marchette

    Discoveries on the Road to Blightfen
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Circle pursue other avenues and travel back to Blightfen. They take the time to talk to Gilderoy a bit and add some elements to there armor and weapons.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    19 Marchette
    225 VE

    23 Marchette

    The Moon Chasers Voyage

    The Circle board a merchant shipped called the Moon Chaser sailing from Blightfen to travel to Tenebris and seek more information about the Shell Map.

    More reading
    The Moon Chaser
  • 225 VE

    23 Marchette
    225 VE

    26 Marchette

    Wrecked at Sea

    The Moon Chaser is assaulted by a giant wave at the Circle of Six and one surviving crew member named Arline Soren are trapped on a small island with the sunken ship near by.

  • 225 VE

    26 Marchette
    225 VE

    1 Aprea

    The Hospitality of the Pirate King
    Diplomatic action

    The Circle is rescued at sea by a Pirate Captian named Bobushio. They become acquainted and agree to travel together to find out what this map is about.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    1 Aprea 19:00
    225 VE

    2 Aprea 00:00

    The Ghost Ship
    Discovery, Exploration

    A mysterious ship arrives near the Maidens Honor. The Circle and Pirate King decided to investigate. They discover severed hands, ghost pirates, and vampires.

  • 225 VE

    2 Aprea
    225 VE

    14 Aprea

    A Pirates Offer
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Circle of Six makes a contract with the Pirate King Bobushio as Hired Adventures to escort him to the "Unknown" Island and assist him in exploration and looting. They agree to a 1000g per person fee, icecream & safe passage to the mainland in exchange for Bobushio lays claim to anything on the island.

  • 225 VE

    14 Aprea
    225 VE

    15 Aprea

    Arrival to the Island
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Maidens Honor arrives at the location of the Shell Island. After some trouble, they drop anchor in a cove located on the southwest part of the island. Travel through a magical jungle and meet a few locals.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    15 Aprea
    225 VE

    16 Aprea

    Entertainment, Discoveries and Hypomnesia
    Cultural event

    The party uncovers more information after the magic of the Island. They go exploring and put on a circus show for the people of Ecco.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    17 Aprea 06:00
    225 VE

    17 Aprea 16:00

    Journey to the Top of Nezburn
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party experience the Harvest on the Island. Ian is able to remove the curse on the party of their forgotten memories. Bobushio meets Gilderoy. They take most of the day traveling to the anticipated meeting with Nerezza aided by Kag.

    More reading
    Gilderoy - Suit of Armor
  • 225 VE

    17 Aprea 17:00
    225 VE

    18 Aprea 04:00

    A Unpleasant Meeting & Swim
    Diplomatic action
  • 225 VE

    18 Aprea 06:00
    225 VE

    18 Aprea 20:00

    Questions answered. Almost...

    The Party regroups and discusses the events of the previous evening. The party shares much more of their past and what they want to achieve in the future. The party gives more offerings to the lake.   That evening after dinner the party uses the last spell slot to have Ian cast "remove curse" on Kag.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    19 Aprea
    225 VE

    20 Aprea

    Growling Cliffs
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Party fights a pair of Sirens and Discovers the secrets of the Growling Cliffs. Alcath has a pair of visions and Ian saves the memories of Himself, Brerenax, Telham, and Estra.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    19 Aprea
    225 VE

    19 Aprea

    Mystery Unravels
    Cultural event

    Telham (Kag) reveals more of the mysteries of the island. Introduces the party to Erros who has been keeping his mind from Nerezza through very impressive means. The party decides to investigate the Growling Cliffs.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    20 Aprea
    225 VE

    21 Aprea

    The Chasm of Ships
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party fights the guardians of the secret entrance to the Growling Cliffs and inside discover a chasm of ships.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    21 Aprea
    225 VE

    22 Aprea

    Nerezza's Lair
    Life, Death

    The Party confronts the God of Nepttin Nerezza in his Lair. After a battle, the Party prevails in slaying Nerezza to free the minds of the people on the island of Nepttin. They also discover Nerezza's Horde of treasure.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    22 Aprea
    225 VE

    24 Mayur

    Resolving, Rebuilding, Restitution, Relocating
    Cultural event

    The Party finds themselves dealing with the aftermath of the death of Nerezza. They find a cavern attached to the Lair where they find Doctor Tick with the rest of the pirate crew dead. They meet a family of silverfish, travel back to Ecco, and free the minds of the village. The Pirate King pays his debts helps the villagers and facilitates the needs of the party and the village in relocating.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    24 Mayur
    225 VE

    27 Mayur

    First Voyage of the Ellinore
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Circle of Six leaves the Island of Nepptin in their newly gifted ship the Ellinore. They travel North toward Astrafell.   Alcath has a vision while sleeping in the crow's nest.

    More reading
  • 225 VE

    27 Mayur
    225 VE

    28 Mayur

    A Trip Home to Astrafell
    Cultural event

    The Circle of Six arrives at Estras home in the Garden City of Astrafell. They are met with fanfare and by an armored escort. They see her home Castle Gatrell and meets her family. They enjoy a feast and are given separate sleeping quarters. Estra visits her old mentor and receives a special gift. Estras Father has a talk with her and the party about her past decisions and the consequence.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    28 Mayur
    225 VE

    29 Mayur

    Traveling to Ethios
    Population Migration / Travel

    In the aftermath of Caia's farewell, the party considers their options and decides to travel to Ethios on the continent of Val Xora with the help of Marwynn and the Aislinn Tower.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    28 Mayur
    225 VE

    28 Mayur

    A Sorrowful Goodbye
    Diplomatic action

    Estra decides to tell her father Victor Gatrell she would like to fake her death and leave her family. Victor saddened by her decision but resigned tells her how the plan will go into action. After it is discussed the Six travel to Greywater & Ethios with the help of an old acquantaice.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    28 Mayur
    255 VE

    28 Mayur

    Mad for Love
    Criminal Activity

    Blizu asks the Circle of Six to help a friend of his named Griselda who has been worrying about a local toymaker artificer named Omerund. He has been a recluse and his shop has not been open for days since an incident. This never happens. The Circle is asked to investigate his shop and make sure he is ok. After the investigation and a fight with the security in the shop, they discover his assistant Farkas in the basement. He tells them Omerund has already succeeded in his plan to drug the city with a love potion so all the people would love him again.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    29 Mayur
    225 VE

    30 Mayur

    Andran the Silver King
    Cultural event

    The party travel to Ethios to meet the Silver King. Aela uncovers some mysteries of her past and her quest. They have a feast with the Silver King and learn where Aela's quest was taking her.

  • 225 VE

    30 Mayur
    225 VE

    30 Mayur

    Memories and Nightmares in the Colville Wood
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Circle of Six travel to the Mayford and the Coville Wood and find more than they expect.

    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    30 Mayur
    225 VE

    30 Mayur

    The Millers Mystery

    The Six arrive tired and traumatized from the experience in the Coville Wood to the Dayd Ticket. They are greeted by Saytrs, Centaurs, Goblins, Ogres, Elves, and Humans. They learn more about the Miller and find an entrance to the Fey Wild.

    Dayd Thicket
    More reading
    The Circle of Six
  • 225 VE

    30 Mayur 21:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur

    A Soggy Welcome to Thelanis the Feywild
    Discovery, Exploration

    After Alcath and Aela are defeated in a duel verse the Green Knight and his Squire. They both lose there shields to the Knight as he takes them as tokens of his victory. Our adventurers jump into the Millpond together and touch the Millstone at the bottom of the pond. They wake up in the middle of a rushing white water river. They escape the river together and find themselves on the bank of the River. In search for the Green Knight and the Miller's Wife/Gwen's Sister Elessandra.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 02:00

    Visit to Lochkin Lake
    Religious event

    The Party is led into the Feywild and brought to The Lochkin Lake where Gwen visits with Aela to uncover more mysteries. Some of the others and a run-in with a group of Quiklings.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 02:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 03:00

    A day trip to the Cedar Mountains
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Circle of Six decided to travel to where the Dire Crow Dwells located in the Cedar Wood. They are escorted by their guide the handmaid of Gwen named Bryna. Before they leave Brerenax discovers his waterskin missing and in its place a bouquet of flowers called Moon Petals. He tastes one of the petals and falls into a deep sleep. The party packs him up and proceeds with him in tow to the Cedar Mountains. They also have an encounter with a mysterious disappearing food cart. They meet Lord Winter and discover the mysteries of the Dire Crows Tree.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 03:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 04:00

    The Court of Calabeag
    Cultural event

    The party is escorted into the Pixie Kingdom and the Court of the Calabeag. They meet the Pixie Queen Gerbera and Princess Peoni. They are welcomed with hospitality and invited to a feast. Brerenax swears fealty to the Court of Calabeag with a little trickery. The party meets a host of guests and characters at the dinner.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 04:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 05:00

    Murder most foul, as in the best it is
    Criminal Activity

    After the festivities, the Queen is murdered and the Circle of Six is caught up in a murder investigation. Caia is accused of murdering Queen and they have 12 hours to prove her innocence or be put to death.

    The Summer Lands
    More reading
    The Court of Calabeag
  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 06:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 07:00

    Aftermath of the Death of the Queen
    Cultural event

    Princess Peoni is crowned Queen of the Court of Calabeag. She thanks the Circle of Six for their efforts and gives them gifts for their part in uncovering the plot.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 08:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 9:00

    An Audience with the Queen of Light
    Diplomatic action

    Shortly after the appointment of the Queen of Pixies, it is reported that Queen Titania is coming to visit the Court of Calabeag to give her blessing of the newly appointed Ruler. The Circle of Six are invited to the meeting and offered a task from the Faerie Queen Titania,

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 08:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 9:00

    The Dire Crows Lair
    Political event

    By order of the Queen of Light, the adventurers travel deep into the Cedar Mountains and the land of the Dark Fey to the base of the volcano known as the lair of the Dire Crow to find and destroy her eggs.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 9:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 10:00

    An Ambush Unseen and Promises Made
    Gathering / Conference

    With the Dire Crow dead, her mate and eggs destroyed the party sets out. Lying in wait, Lord Winter ambushes the party with demands and a pack of Dire Boars at his side. With many of the party options spent and the party on death's door, Moz notices a crow that is not like the others. She soon finds it is the Green Lord himself, King Oberon. She promises him fidelity and in one motion King Oberon grows 10 times larger, picks up Lord Winter, and swallows him. The party leaves to meet with the Queen of the Fairies for the party to request their favor.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 10:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 11:00

    Debts Paid, and a Favor from the Queen of Light
    Life, Milestone

    The Circle of Six meets with Queen Titania and King Oberon to discuss how she can repay her debt.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 11:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 12:00

    Elessandra's Story
    Gathering / Conference

    The Circle of Six set out to find and question Elessandra about her role in this unfolding tale. They find her in the forest in a bit of trouble and learn about her story.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 13:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 14:00

    The River Court
    Political event

    The Circle of Six arrives at the Court of the River King to beg audience and quell the impending war between the Fey and Mortal Realm. While in the Inner Court the party meets Lord Silverwing, Rumpkin the Porter, Fangs-in-Shade-and-Rushes, Caias Gruffkin, and Knurlnap the Water Bearer. Gain access to the Rippling Hall and finally meet The River King himself to try and resolve the misunderstanding with Lord Flax and the Material Realm.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 15:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 16:00

    The Trial for Claim to the Mortal Realm & The Feywild
    Diplomatic action

    The Adventures must participate in a trail by combat for Lord Flax's claim over the Material Relam and the Dyad Thicket. The Hag Jenny Greenteeth reveals her 6 champions and the Trial begins. During the battle an ally arrives and presses their claim and challenges the court to The River King's negligence. The results will change the corase of the Summerlands and Thelanis forever.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 17:00
    225 VE

    31 Mayur 18:00

    The Battle of the False Mill
    Political event

    In the wake of the River Kings demise and Queen Gwendolyns accention to rule the party seeks out Lord Flax to put an end to him and his false claim for the Dayd Thicket.

  • 225 VE

    31 Mayur 20:00
    225 VE

    2 Junio

    Return to The Silver City by the Bay

    The party ask Queen Titania to send them back to Ethios. When the arrived the party finds themselves 2 memebers short. Aela and Brerenax are not with the rest of the party. Alcath, Moz, Caia and Gilly do some shopping and set out to find their lost party members in the Silver City by the Bay. Gilly can see fairy tales and the party investigators some creatures and missing children with help from the Silver Corp.

  • 225 VE

    2 Junio 23:00
    225 VE

    3 Junio

    Hunt for the Thessalhydra
    Discovery, Exploration

    The band of merry adventures meet a group of refugees outside the Chatadee Gate and learn of the legend of the Thessalhydra. It is said to pray on children and come from a cave located a little bit out of the city. They find a horde of Kobolds and find the portal to where the Thessalhydra is coming from. With some information from Gilderoy they discover they are traveling through the Shadowfell also known as the upside down. The meet The Proud Princess and she helps them find a way out of the Realm.

  • 225 VE

    6 Junio
    225 VE

    8 Junio 13:00

    A Party Reunited

    The Circle of Six of Six finally get reunited after Aela and Brerenax spend some additional time in Thelanis - The Feywild with their courts. When everyone finally finds themselves in Ethios they explore more of Aelas past and find out more about Gillys Anointing. Many revelations come to light as Aela visits the Shepard Estate.

  • 225 VE

    8 Junio 14:00
    225 VE

    8 Junio

    The Shepard Estate
    Civil action

    Aela visits The Shepard Estate in the Treeside District. She learns more about her mysterious past.

  • 225 VE

    9 Junio
    255 VE

    12 Junio

    Karen vs Brerenax
    Cultural event

    With the aftermath of the revelation of Aelas Family The Circle of Six try to process their feeling about what to do next. Brerenax talks to Queen Peoni and tries to confront Garrus. Gilly is almost abducted by Assasins and the party stop them. Brerenax is accused of crimes and is brought before the King and Ruler of Ethios Hadaronos The Shining Tempest.

  • 225 VE

    13 Junio 9:00
    225 VE

    13 Junio 11:00

    Visiting Garrus in his sickbed
    Life, Supernatural

    Alcath and Aela visit Garrus in his sick bed to see if they have help him heal from his injuries. Garrus apologizes to Aela and tell her of his support for her quest. They find a visitor in his room.

  • 225 VE

    13 Junio 13:00
    225 VE

    13 Junio 14:00

    A Royal Bath
    Political event

    Aela talks to Andran The Silver King about the party and gains passage through the Teleportation Circle to The Aislinn Tower.

  • 225 VE

    13 Junio 15:00
    225 VE

    13 Junio 21:00

    A Tale of Hrothbert and Winifred
    Cultural event

    The Party meets Marwynn at The Aislinn Tower. They have a meeting with Arch Mage Cristoval De Tresana. He discusses with them about "The Journal" and the potential repercussions of its existence. The learn about the Tale of Hrothbert and Winifred. They discuss a potental alliance and shared goal.

  • 225 VE

    14 Junio
    225 VE

    14 Junio 12:00

    Preparations for the Journey ahead
    Cultural event

    The Circle of Six prepare for the next league of there journey. Alcath learns the location of the tortle named Wobu. Brerenax studies about The Sovergn Hosts and The Dark SIx. Gilly contacts The Lokenvale Atheneam and Matriach Lysse asks her to meet her somewhere to talk about her mothers death. Caia looks at old maps and learns about a far off land called Belari to the west.

  • 225 VE

    14 Junio 9:00
    225 VE

    14 Junio 23:00

    Mozakosh visits The Aislinn Observatory with Guidance
    Life, Milestone

    Mozakosh visited the Aislinn Observatory Tower and meets Doyen Guidance. She discusses her past, future and potential. He gifts her Tarot Deck and Moz does her first reading and tells her of a connection she and her people have to Dal Quor - The Dreamscape.

  • 225 VE

    15 Junio
    225 VE

    16 Junio

    A Journey on the Noble Road to Quel

    The party decides to test out the ring of mind shielding to see if Vozgan's Soul is still in the ring. Gilly asks Matriarch dSilvis to meet them in Quel. They discuss the death of the previous Doyen and travel North on The Noble Road toward Mayford, The Lovers Crossroad and Quel. They visit Wobu and learn more about a sickness that is plaquing the city of Quel.

  • 225 VE

    16 Junio
    225 VE

    16 Junio

    A Meeting with the Matraich d'Silvis
    Life, Identity

    Gilly and Mozakosh meet with Matriach Lysse Lyrriman dSilvis to discuss the events leading up to Malora Bolderhills (Gillys Mother) Death.

  • 225 VE

    16 Junio 14:00
    225 VE

    17 Junio

    The Heart of the Six Lost & Returned
    Life, Death

    After meeting with Matriach d'Silvas the party was attacked by another group of bounty hunters. During the battle a elven woman rode in on a black mare and aided the party in the attack. Tragiclly near the end of the battle, Gillys stregth was sapped from her body and she died. The Circle of Six sought aid from Matriach d'Silvas and with the help of the party bring back Gilly from death. Then continued the investigation into the missing persons in Quel.

  • 225 VE

    17 Junio
    225 VE

    17 Junio 18:00

    The Sculptor
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Party searches in the Black Fang hills for the Hermit. They discover a cave with an owlbear that is sedated by a strange herb being burned in a brazier,   They discover a cave/workshop artist studio. Inside lives a Halfling named Elias. Beautiful carved statues and art hang from every inch of the cave. He invites them in to discuss why they are traveling this way. They discover his secret and barely escape with their souls and stop the mad plot.

  • 225 VE

    17 Junio
    225 VE

    17 Junio

    A Stiff Investigation
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Circle of Six and Thuniel agree that together they should investigate further into the missing persons in Quel. They discover a halfling has been skulking around in the Darksteps where most of the missing persons lived.   They talk to Quinton Silverbottom a wealthy orchard baron in the Nightwood northern part of Quel thanks to Thuniel's contacts. While sneaking through the barns at Silverbottom Farms they discover a inventory ledger that reports small amounts of missing herbs. But the ledger is written in some sort of code with a symbol so they don't know what is missing. There is no indicator of foul play elsewhere. The family as not been infected by the sickness and no members are missing.   They catch wind there is a Halfling Hermit that lives somewhere south of the city in the Black Fang Hills. So they decide to take the search there.

  • 225 VE

    17 Junio 19:00
    225 VE

    21 Junio

    Preparing for The Audition
    Cultural event

    Thuniel asks for help from The Circle of Six in auditioning for a guild called The Troupe.They meet a framilar face while visiting the Blacksmith. The group investigates the audition process and potental entrances to the audition. Caia meets Thuniels mother. Thuniel sneaks into the Tailors Shop. Everyone attends a play at The Sylvan Theatre.

  • 225 VE

    21 Junio
    225 VE

    21 Junio

    Learning how to destory Vozgan's Ring
    Discovery, Scientific

    Alcath finds out how to destroy 'The Vozgan Ring" from Val and the exisitance of Residuum.

  • 225 VE

    21 Junio 22:00
    225 VE

    22 Junio

    A Portentous Audition
    Political event

    The Circle of Six travel to the Audition and face the Trials to Audition for The Troupe.

  • 225 VE

    22 Junio
    225 VE

    23 Junio

    Neville has a part to play
    Political event

    The Circle of Six visit The Commoners Fortune hot on the trail of the final key needed to open The Troupes Vault.   Neville and Val reveal there part in the Audition. Thuniel discovers her family and Nyssa have stakes in the Audition. Brerenax spends the night at the Commoner Fortune.   Mozakosh and Neville discover their shared ancestry.

  • 225 VE

    23 Junio 9:00
    225 VE

    23 Junio 17:00

    A Showcase for The Troupe
    Cultural event

    A new cast member Showcase is accepted into the Troupe.   The Circle of Six get the Shroud of Ollandra and meet The Troupe.   Caia knows Chorusline and arranges a meeting to discuss their past.   Brerenax gets a Kiss.

  • 225 VE

    23 Junio 18:00
    225 VE

    23 Junio 20:00

    Chorusline meet Caia
    Life, Identity

    Caia meets up with Kedron at The Broken Arrow to discover what he knows. Caia learns a little about The Coin and Moz learns about Dal Quor - The Dreamscape and The Kalashtar

  • 225 VE

    23 Junio 21:00
    225 VE

    23 Junio 24:00

    A Call to Arms, a sorrowful Farwell and a Life to remember

    Aela and Brerenax receive a letter from Ethios that calls them back to the City to help in a War effort.   The party uses The Shroud of Olladra a to remove the curse on Aela that took her memories. She remembers her life before.   Brerenax and Aela leave the party.

  • 225 VE

    24 Junio
    225 VE

    26 Junio

    A Tale of Wobu the Wimsical
    Life, Education

    The party travels to Quel to visit Wobu in his "Tower" He reveals he is one of the original authors of The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred. He tells them of the existance of Tomes and Grimores that give great power to the owners.

  • 225 VE

    26 Junio 18:00
    225 VE

    26 Junio 19:00

    The Six become The Shades
    Life, Identity

    With the exit of Aela Shepard and Brerenax Minstrelson The Circle of Six disbands and the remaining members of the party with the addition of Thuniel decide to call themselves The Path of Nightshade.

  • 225 VE

    28 Junio
    225 VE

    29 Junio

    Val shows themself in the Mirror

    The Path of Nightshade return the Shroud and speak to Val about the coin and the mystery of The Mirrors.

  • 225 VE

    29 Junio
    225 VE

    30 Junio

    Sailing to The Fortona Pier

    The Path of Nightshade prepare to travel to The Fortona Pier and are attacked by a group trying to collect a bounty.

  • 225 VE

    30 Junio
    225 VE

    1 Julair

    The Dueling Knight - Whips and Worms
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Path of The Path of Nightshade arrives in Fortona Pier and decides to try there luck at the "FUN"geon at The Dueling Knight .

    Fortona Pier
  • 225 VE

    2 Julair
    225 VE

    4 Julair

    The Lokenvale Atheneum - Confronting Nightmares Between the Pages
    Life, Education

    The Path of Nightshade continues toward their destination to The Lokenvale Athenaeum. They do a lot of research in the library. They talk to Moz's and Gilly's old colleagues, retrieve Gilly's letter and help with a little problem in the restricted section.

  • 225 VE

    4 Julair
    225 VE

    5 Julair

    Return of The King
    Technological achievement

    The Path of Nightshade are approached by an old friend Bobushio and he asks for there help. He tells them a tale of the distruction of the OniKuru and the attack on Oni Island. He also brings a revolutionary new technology with him he calls The Dragons Redemption.

  • 225 VE

    7 Julair
    225 VE

    8 Julair

    We Better Call Saul
    Life, Relocation

    Bobushio introduces the new Captain of The Dragons Redemption and together they travel to Rockshire to meet with a contact named Saul Goodgrove

  • 225 VE

    8 Julair
    225 VE

    9 Julair

    The Hiccup Tree
    Life, Milestone

    The Path of Nightshade go to Rockshire and visit The Shadough and The Ivy Keep. Gilly goes to the Hiccup Tree to find what her mother left for her.

  • 225 VE

    9 Julair
    225 VE

    9 Julair

    The Rogue's gone rogue
    Criminal Activity

    With the information that she might be able to get details about the Ritual her father is trying to complete is in The Ivy Keep. Gilly sneaks into her childhood home while the rest of The Path of Nightshade try their best to keep her from getting caught. Gilly discovers more about the unholy dealings between her Reginard Boulderhill and The Deep Father.

  • 225 VE

    10 Julair
    225 VE

    10 Julair

    Rockshire Accends
    Religious event

    The party enlists the help of Trigger to uncover more secrets and ongoings of Ivy Hill. Trigger is called on a emergency task and the party tries to follow him. Gilly is confronted by the possiblity of failure as the City of Rockshire accends and becomes a Battleground.

  • 225 VE

    10 Julair
    225 VE

    11 Julair

    Reluctant Rites: Confronting the Madness Within
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Path of Nightshade enter the Ivy Keep and gain access to Reginard secret study located underneath Gillys Bedroom. They learn more about the nature of the ritual that brought the City to Shavarath - The Battleground. They also discover a way to potentally bring the city back to the Material Plane and stop the plans of Reginard and The Deep Father.

  • 225 VE

    11 Julair
    225 VE

    12 Julair

    Breaking the Obelisk
    Cultural event

    The Path of Nightshade discover the location of one of the Obelisk and seek out a way to destroy it to return Rockshire back to the material plane.

  • 225 VE

    11 Julair
    225 VE

    11 Julair

    The Clash with The Deep Father
    Life, Milestone

    The Path of Nightshade confronts The Demogorgon in the wake of the death of Reginard and stops the acension of The Prince of Demons.

  • 225 VE

    12 Julair
    225 VE

    13 Julair

    Missing Allies
    Life, Organisation Association

    In the aftermath of the ascension of Rockshire. The Path of Nightshade discovers Big Tuna and Trigger are unaccounted for and travel deeper into the city to track them down.   Party Level up to 10

  • 225 VE

    13 Julair
    225 VE

    13 Julair

    Whose the Boss?
    Gathering / Conference

    The Path of Nightshade continue there search for Trigger and have a few run ins with the rival factions in Rockshire.

  • 225 VE

    14 Julair
    225 VE

    14 Julair

    A Fox in the Hen house
    Criminal Activity

    Bobushio has a meeting with Redla Grimhelm about the future of Rockshire. A new pirate comes into town on a Casino ship called The Diamond Leviathan. Gilly has a date in the gardens of The Talisman with Grildor Grimhelm. Caia meets another Changeling and suspects there may be more trying to infiltrate Ivy Hill.

  • 225 VE

    14 Julair 20:00
    225 VE

    14 Julair 21:00

    Ivy Hill Council
    Gathering / Conference

    The Ivy Crew and The Nightshade meet together to discuss the future of Ivy Hill now that key members of the organization are dead. Caia knows there are traitors and spies among the group and plans to expose them.

  • 225 VE

    14 Julair 21:00
    225 VE

    15 Julair

    The Grinning Djinn
    Financial Event

    The Path of Nightshade head to The Grinning Djinn to free Trigger and discuss options with Wildcard. They meet the owner and operator of The Grinning Djinn Sharp Jo.

  • 225 VE

    15 Julair
    225 VE

    16 Julair

    The Boss, The Ranger, The Spy and The Deserter
    Diplomatic action

    Sharp Jo tells Alcath a tale about his Mentor Shamino and where he came from. The party visits Wildcard and Trigger in the dungeon. They also interrogate Fake Trigger and find out more about there motivations and plans. The party meets Isabella Snowdrop and learns the missing chapter is on The Diamond Leviathan.

  • 225 VE

    16 Julair
    225 VE

    17 Julair

    Party on The Diamond Leviathan
    Gathering / Conference

    The Path of Nightshade decide to visit The Diamond Leviathan in search for the stolen chapter of The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred. Bobushio encounters an old acquaintance Benedict Greatfellow.

  • 225 VE

    17 Julair
    225 VE

    18 Julair

    A Tale of Change
    Gathering / Conference

    The Path of Nightshade come across a entourage of wizards and guard from The Aislinn Tower. The party meets Burchard Flintheart and he is acompanied by Marwynn Fenwick. The party disicusses the resent success in finding the chapters of The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred privately with Marwynn. Together they discover another chapter of the book.

  • 225 VE

    18 Julair
    225 VE

    20 Julair

    The Tale of a Daughter, a Mother, A Rebellion, a Mirror and hope of change
    Life, Milestone

    Caia - Estra reads Chapter 9 or The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred. With the revealtions of the origion of The Progeny of Mirrors she contacts her brother Kedron Gatrell. He brings along a mysterios woman who reveals the truth of Estras past and influences her future in a way Estra never planed.

  • 225 VE

    20 Julair
    225 VE

    22 Septa

    The Odyssey of The Burning Man and The Sovereign of Sun and Sacrifice
    Life, Milestone

    Time passes and The Path of Nightshade continues the humanitarian efforts in Rockshire. Alcath receives a visit from Boldrei and an audience with Dol Arrah. After the meeting, he decides to leave Rockshire and continue down the path alone.

  • 225 VE

    22 Septa
    225 VE

    23 Septa

    The Quest for Hrothbert Continues
    Political event

    The Path of Nightshade receive a visit from The Aislinn Tower and establish a teleportation circle on The Dragons Redemption.
      Bobushio's recruits more members of The Dragons Redemption and learns more about the origin of Ukaru and the Warforged.

  • 225 VE

    23 Septa
    225 VE

    24 Septa

    New Ancestral Weapons and a Birthday Celebration
    Cultural event

    The Path of Nightshade travel to to tower to anoint the weapons of Bobushio and Thuniel in preparation for the travels ahead. Bobushio unlocks some of Gilderoys Memories. Gilly, Thuniel and Bobushio have a party for Moz's 27th Birthday.

  • 225 VE

    25 Septa
    225 VE

    27 Septa

    Solanna Bael
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Path of Nightshade travel to the Tower known as Solanna Bael to find the lost piece of Gilderoy that is hidden in its vaults.

    Solanna Bael
  • 225 VE

    27 Septa
    225 VE

    29 Septa

    Discovering Lonaira
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party is intersepted by a company of Drow warrriors mounted on Hippogriffs. They demand to escort the party to there master. After two days travel the party find themselves on a mysterious island named Lonaira.

  • 225 VE

    29 Septa 08:00
    225 VE

    29 Septa 10:00

    The Kalashtar

    Mozakosh has a conversation about the Kalashtar with Randolfo

  • 225 VE

    29 Septa 11:00
    225 VE

    1 Octurn

    Ravenbluff & Red Claw

    The Path of Nightshade travel to Ravenbluff to investigate the mysterious events with the addictive ale known as Red Claw.

  • 225 VE

    1 Octurn
    225 VE


    Journey to the Scarlow Mountains

    The Party travels to the Scarlow Mountains to investigate where the Red Claw Ale is coming from. They run into a caravan along the way.

  • 225 VE

    1 Octurn 13:00
    225 VE

    3 Octurn

    Red Claw Distillery

    The party enters the lair of Tuckerrath the Agitator also known as The Red Claw Distillery.

  • 225 VE

    3 Octurn 18:00
    225 VE

    5 Octurn

    Talzedir the Burnished Justice
    Civil action

    The Path of Nightshade deal with the Aftermath of the Red Claw Epidemic. They assist in the containment and cure of the disease and curse. They meet Queen Talzedir and gain her favor.

  • 225 VE

    5 Octurn
    225 VE


    A Trap and The best laid schemes...gang aft agley
    Military: Battle

    Bobushio discovers the reason Oni Island was destroyed. Uncovers a plot to assassinate him and sets a trap for the assassins.

  • 225 VE

    6 Octurn
    225 VE

    6 Octurn

    The Daughters of Ukaru
    Political event

    The party is attacked by a group of Assassins that call themselves The Daughters of Ukaru. Bobushio gets more information about Ukaru and the War.

  • 225 VE

    7 Octurn
    255 VE

    25 Octurn

    The Hunt for Scaramouche

    The Path of Nightshade discovers only 6 routes the chapter could be taking. Together with The Lamplighters, they all investigate all the routes at once. The Party chooses to explore Blackshore. During the investigation, they receive a message from Svee Desh Chef that Wart has died and a mysterious assassin killed a town named Crow and their leader a black dragon named Crowraxas the Grave trying to get Bobushios attention.

  • 225 VE

    25 Octurn
    225 VE

    26 Octurn

    Finding Allies in The Silver City by the Bay
    Civil action

    The Path of Nightshade decide to travel to Ethios find Aela Shepard and ask her for help to get an audience with Andran The Silver King to present him with the head of Scaramouche to help with war effort.

  • 225 VE

    26 Octurn
    225 VE

    29 Octurn

    A Journey back to Nepttin

    The party flies to Nepttin to explore the potention of a Grimore being located near the island. On the way the talk to Gilderoy - Suit of Armor about some pressing questions.


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