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A day trip to the Cedar Mountains

Discovery, Exploration

31/5 2:00
31/5 3:00

The Circle of Six decided to travel to where the Dire Crow Dwells located in the Cedar Wood. They are escorted by their guide the handmaid of Gwen named Bryna. Before they leave Brerenax discovers his waterskin missing and in its place a bouquet of flowers called Moon Petals. He tastes one of the petals and falls into a deep sleep. The party packs him up and proceeds with him in tow to the Cedar Mountains. They also have an encounter with a mysterious disappearing food cart. They meet Lord Winter and discover the mysteries of the Dire Crows Tree.

The Circle of Six decided to travel to where the Dire Crow Dwells is located in the Cedar Mountains. They are escorted by their guide the handmaid of Gwen named Bryna. She morphs into a swan and guides them from the sky.   The night before, while watching Brerenax, Caia and Alcath see a mysterious large cart but resist the temptation to leave camp to investigate.   Before they leave Brerenax discovers his waterskin missing and in its place a bouquet called Moon Petals. He tastes one of the petals and falls into a deep sleep. The party packs him up and proceeds with him in tow to the Cedar Wood. Many hours pass during the day's travels.   While walking the party is trekking through the Feywild they see many wonders. Strange creatures, plants, and weather patterns. The time seems to ebb and flow creating a sense of disorientation and confusion. They see a flock of butterflies form into a humanoid shape and wave to the party the flutter way when getting to close., the vanishing cart appears again during an attempt for a long rest. Up to this time, the party decides to try a few things to wake Brerenax from his sleep. They cast a few spells, Gilly convinces Aela to kiss Brerenax with True Loves Kiss, and finally, Aela uses her "Lay on Hands" and before they set camp Brerenax awakes.   Brerenax is rested so he takes the night watch. During the night Caia, Gilly, and Brerenax investigate the cart with stealth and the help of Ebony Caias Owl familiar. They discover the cart will create food that you desire and it materializes at 10x its normal size. The cart grows as more people approach and it needs more room for food. When the food is eaten the person gained the benefits of a long rest. After this is discovered everyone except Gilly eats the food and they leave some flowers and gifts in the cart.   Not long after they are seen by a patrol of fey and large beasts along the edge of the forest near the base of the Cedar Mountains. The Winter Eladrin introduces himself as Lord Winter and tells them mortals are not allowed in these lands. He envokes the Trial by Accusation and gives them 10 minutes to plead their case and decide the fate of the party. When a battle is about to ensue Bryna flies down and offers to help. Lord Winter agrees to let them go free if they give Bryna to him. She agrees to go with Lord Winter as Gwen has told her to do anything she can to help Aela complete her quest. Reluctantly the Aela agrees for Bryna to go with Lord Winter with an agreement the party will get safe passage to the Dire Crows Tree. He agrees and takes Bryna with him. The party is then told they are at the place they were traveling to the stump is right next to them.   It was at that moment once the patrol departed a host of bright little pixies start to emerge out of the stump and enquire why the party has come to their home.