Allheim The War of Three Kings
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The War of Three Kings

Military action

150 - 145 Years Ago

The Realms of Men went to war to crown a king for their lands. Most fought, many died. The Alyssians won, supplicating the Carvosi people and placing the Briggans into a vassal-state of self-governance.

Only six generations ago, the Alyssian King Aethelbert led a war of unification against the two other realms of men, the Carvosa in the East led by King Oswald, and the Briggins to the north east led by King Leif Torvaldsson. While King Oswald quickly submitted his kingdom to Alyssian rule, King Leif Torvaldsson and his jarls led a strong defense before being overwhelmed by Alyssian forces. The Briggins were given a level of autonomy within their region by Aethelbert as Jarls, at the cost of King Leif’s head.

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