Allheim The Timeline of Allheim Timeline
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The Timeline of Allheim

The Age of Darkness

1000 -> 950 Years Ago

Orcs, trolls, goblins, shades, harpies; these creatures all burst into being during one cataclysmic event known as the Sundering, bringing about the Age of Darkness. A hole was torn into this realm from the Shadow Realm, and all manner of foul creatures, both intelligent and not, stepped into the world. During this age, the dark creatures fought as a single army against the fledgling kingdoms of man, dwarf and elf, led by an unknown force. For the first time ever, these kingdoms united under a single banner but, despite their efforts, were losing the war.


In the last days, an elven mage named Garahel sought greater power through the other planes and in doing so, contacted the elder blue dragon, Par’Thax, on the Dragonplane. Under the tutelage of Par’Thax, Garahel opened the portal to the Dragonplane, allowing the black, white, green, red, and blue dragons to pass through into this world.

With the dragons, the single alliance of man, elf and dwarf were able to win the war of darkness, exterminating most of the dark races in the process, and forcing the rest into hiding, as they closed this portal forever.

  • Approx 950 Years Ago
    Opening of the Portal to the Dragonplane
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

The Age of Dragons

950 -> 800 Years Ago

Once the battle against the darkness was won, the Dragons turned on their allies, taking advantage of their weakened state to claim a new kingdom on Allheim. Led by the Elder Black Dragon Var’Rysh, the War of the Scales began.

  • Approx 950 years ago
    The Forming of the Southern Orcish Tribes
    Cultural event

    Once the war was over, and the tear to the other world was closed, many of the creatures stuck in this world found their own way. Many remained feral and continue to wreak havoc on those with the misfortune to encounter them. The Orcs however, after spending centuries in the Shadow Realm under the yoke of the Old Ones, were left without direction...

  • 800 Years Ago
    The War of the Scales

    After years under the yoke of the dragons, the people of Allheim banded together against their winged overlords, with the assitance from the Bronze Dragonflight of the Dragonplane.

Age of Men

800 Years Ago -> Now

The Age of Men encompasses the stretch of time from the fall of Var’Rysh and the dragons, to now.

  • Approx 600 Years Ago
    The Reclamation of the Holds
    Military action

    Thogrim Bronzebeard, the King of the Winter Dwarves led a campaign to reclaim the Dwarven Holds that were all lost during the Age of Dragons. It didn't go well.

  • 150 - 145 Years Ago
    The War of Three Kings
    Military action

    The Realms of Men went to war to crown a king for their lands. Most fought, many died. The Alyssians won, supplicating the Carvosi people and placing the Briggans into a vassal-state of self-governance.