Allheim The Forming of the Southern Orcish Tribes
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The Forming of the Southern Orcish Tribes

Cultural event

Approx 950 years ago

Once the war was over, and the tear to the other world was closed, many of the creatures stuck in this world found their own way. Many remained feral and continue to wreak havoc on those with the misfortune to encounter them. The Orcs however, after spending centuries in the Shadow Realm under the yoke of the Old Ones, were left without direction...

Once the war was over, and the tear to the other world was closed, many of the creatures stuck in this world found their own way. Many remained feral and continue to wreak havoc on those with the misfortune to encounter them. The Orcs however, after spending centuries in the Shadow Realm under the yoke of the Old Ones, were left without direction.

To the rest of the world’s surprise, the Orcs were not merely the rage-fuelled savages they became known as during the Age of Darkness, but instead an intelligent species trying to find their place in the world. To prevent further clashes with the rest of the world’s populations, they ventured south into the plains and established tribes. Every now and then, some Orcs venture north back into the kingdoms on a coming-of-age journey where they seek to understand their connection to the world. Some return home with their tales of adventure and inventions or techniques to better advance their tribe; some find a calling amongst the industry in the cities of men with other non-human races; and others find work in Mercenary bands, or Privateering.

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