Alyxian Arterian

I'm missing so much of... me. I just wanted to learn but he said I wasn't allowed to be me so he... he... -Alyxian Arterian

Alyxian Ezrevian T̶a̶l̶a̶r̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ Arterian (a.k.a. Alyx)

Daughter of Casmodus Talareven and Mezyss, born as part of a pact to undermine Asmodeus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alyxian was born as a result of Casmodus' Scheming and part of his plan to Overthrow Asmodeus. She is part of the living embodiement of their deal along with several written contracts. But as a Devil with two Archdevil's blood in her veins, Casmodus planned to have Alyxian replace one of the Archdukes who opposed him.   This did not go to plan as as she was being raised, Alyxian developed an obvious and almost obsessive interest in her father's other Self, that of Caspian Arterian. Alyx was one of the few who could bring forth the human side of Casmodus without calling him by name and Alyx herself was quick to differentiate between her two fathers. She was trained in the Arcane by them and was a prodigy at manipulating the Weave to form spells, though it began to become apparent that she had no interest in serving Casmodus' plans. No instead she tried to bring forth Caspian and convince him to leave the Hells, but to no avail. It was because of this that Casmodus began to scheme on how to bring forth the seperation of his two selves, a task in which he eventually proved successful.   Following this seperation, Casmodus found Alyxian to be more of a hinderance than a boon and attempted to sculpt her mind to a more agreeable persuasion. This had catastrophic results for both her psyche and her training. Her mind was damaged and her memory was poor, she struggled to remember her own name at times and often wondered on what she was doing in the middle of tasks. Curative magics proved unsuccessful in restoring her sanity completlely and she now suffers from both memory loss and chronic headaches. While she can weave spells, it is clear she will never be able to step foot on the battlefield or wield magics to the degree of most mortal mages, but she perserveres nonetheless. When Casmodus realized how broken her mind had become he imprisoned her, seeing her as a potential bargaining chip to the Bleeding hearts of the Chaotic Seven.

Gender Identity

Born an Incubus, Alyx was raised to be one of her Father's future replacements for the Archdukes. While Caspian and Casmodus were still one, Alyx was allowed to be herself and was taught magic by the both of them. After the two were split, Casmodus began demanding Alyx assume the form she had been born with and when she refused he attempted to force her mind to change.   This process was not gentle and much of what Alyxian knew of Magic was lost to her, and still she refused to assume her birth form. As such she was cast into the Dungeons alongside her "Father" Caspian.
True Neutral
Circumstances of Birth
Born as a result of a Deal between Archdevils.
Golden Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
105 lbs.
The Woodland Witch


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