Casmodus Talareven

Fools and Idiots. Those are all that you are. Some of you may be useful, but only for a time. Shall we make a Deal and be on our ways?

Baator Spymaster Casmodus Talareven

Casmodus is one of the only Archdevils to have the privilege to serve Asmodeus directly and one of only a few beings that will talk back to the God of the Hells, such is his assuredness in his usefulness. He serves as Asmodeus' spymaster and as such knows of everything that happens in the Hells, more so after the death of Benozia, the consort of Asmodeus. He monitors all of the Hells and beyond with a network of informants, some willing and others less so. Some may not even know that they are acting as his eyes and ears. He is willing to make deals that do directly benefit the mortals he contacts as long as there is benefit to himself or the Hells as a whole.   Casmodus' past is relatively unknown before he entered the hells, he was a wizard of some kind during his life and was transformed into a Devil after a ritual went awry sometime in the beginning of the Purge War. But after his arrival he made quick work of rising through the ranks, he assisted Bane Tyranus in overthrowing Dispater, and made his way through each layer of the Hells, either aiding each Archdevil or helping to overthrow them. His accomplishments are as follows during this time:   1. Aiding Zariel in the slaying of the Demogorgon, not permanently. 2. Aiding Bane Tyranus in slaying the Archdevil Dispater. 3. Providing Mammon with guidance to find one of Tiamat's remaining Treasure Hoards. 4. Tricking Belial into granting his Daughter Fierna the power to Overthrow him and assume control of Phlegethos. 5. Imprisoning Levistus in his now infamous Icy Prison. 6. Allying with Glasya to over The Hag countess and assume control of Malbolge. 7. Destroyed one of Baalzebul's Cities and dueled the Archdevil, leaving him defeated in his wounds. 8. Participated in a Wizard's Duel with Mephisto in a battle that shook all the Layers of Hell, and won earning himself the title of the Greatest Mage in the Hells, Earning Mephisto's eternal hatred and rivalry.   And after his crusade through the Hells he stood before Asmodeus and asked only for a position of power befitting himself. And so Asmodeus gave him the title of Grand Spymaster of the Hells, a title that carries with it the ire of nearly every Archduke of Hell. Even so Casmodus will aid the Lords of the Nine, Zariel will find that aid arrives just in time for her outmatched distant forces, the City of Dis never has more trouble than its guards can handle and so on. Casmodus pulls at the strings of the Hells from the Shadows.   He took a Wife, an Erinyes who joined him in his crusade, and they have had several children none of which are permitted to leave the Demiplane that Casmodus created around Nessus without his direct supervision. His Family now acts as the leverage Asmodeus will use should Casmodus ever turn against him, but it seems this is unlikely given the time that Casmodus has invested in making Asmodeus' position ever more solidified.    Currently looking into ways to cure the White Blight that has affected the legions of the Hells, Casmodus learned of ways to halt the new plague in its tracks and this has bolstered the dwindling front lines of the Blood War, though this threat is far from removed as see that the Archdukes of the Hells have fought side by side for the first time in recorded history, with Asmodeus himself having stepped foot on the front lines only once since the Blight ravaged their forces.


Casmodus Talareven


Towards Mezyss, Consort of Asmodeus

Mezyss, Consort of Asmodeus


Towards Casmodus Talareven



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