Arotai Melin

Don't worry sir, I'll keep this place in pristine condition until you get back! *Explosion in the Distance* I promise that wasn't me this time!

The Wandering Mind, Arotai Melin

One of the Students of Cian Lamplier and current Acting Grandmaster of the Obsidian Atheneum.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arotai was born to a pair of Scholars who dwelled within the Obsidian Atheneum and while her Birth was unremarkable her parents were killed only a few years after her birth while aiding Obyssia Lamplier outside the bounds of the Kingdom. With guilt in her mind Obyssia took Arotai in and attempted to raise her in her Parents stead. This was... unsuccessful. Arotai was a chaotic child to say the least and constantly found ways to cause trouble eventually leading to Obyssia becoming so frustrated that she left Arotai with her Husband to avoid screaming at her.   Cian, someone incredibly well known to have no patience for children, took her back to Dragonholme and left her with Numiner Andronas.... only to find that when he left the Moonhaven the girl had grasped his tail and been pulled across the planes with him where she promptly let go and vanished. Not wanting to repeat what happened with his own daughter here, he used his own abilities to locate the girl where she fell in the space between planes. When he found her she was falling and uncharacteristically calm. He returned her to Dragonholme for the Healers there to look over. While they found no signs of physical harm, When Elliot Andronas was brought in to see the state of her mind he recoiled in pain when brought within a dozen paces of her. To him her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts that he could not keep up with.   Following this incident Cian was charged with caring for the Child by his former party members and he glumly took to this task. His sour mood barely had time to set in however when he returned to Flower Fruit Mountain to think on what he had gotten himself into he found the girl as chaotic as she had been prior to the incident. Within two days of her arrival she had managed to upset nearly every local Vanara (The Local Extraplanar Humanoids, Commonly reffered to as Demon Monkeys), Set fire to a small patch of forest and, most impressively, catch Cian himself unaware and douse him with Local Wine. All on Accident of course.   It took Cian nearly six months to find a means of keeping her occupied and what he eventually came upon was teaching her as if she were one of the Acolyte Monks of the Monastery. Her mind absorbed information faster than anyone else he had seen that wasn't divine or supernatural. By the time she was eight she was able to easily best most of the average members of the Obsidian Atheneum and while she could not best A Master or Grandmaster, she had managed to land a handful of blows on Cian himself. At this time he brought her back to the Atheneum and left her with Obyssia for a time while he attended to matters beyond the bounds of Dragonholme.   Obyssia dreaded having her within the Atheneum's Library once more but she found that Arotai had mellowed out for lack of a better term. The girl was now the picture of calm but insatiably curious, she spent days and then weeks and then months barely leaving the Atheneum while she not so slowly but surely worked her way through the collection of tomes and scrolls held there. By the time Cian returned to Dragonholme to collect her he found Obyssia giving her personal lessons on Planar Magics. Obyssia had found a mind that could keep pace with her own and she had taken to teaching the child with great joy.   And so over the next Decade Arotai became the Prodigy of the Atheneum and Flower Fruit Mountain, spending her days either training with Cian or learning from Obyssia. By the time she was a grown Woman she was undoubtedly the strongest combatant that the Obsidian Soul possessed aside from Cian himself and her mind was every bit equal to Obyssia's in all but experience. And thus was she named as Grandmaster of the Obsidian Atheneum when Cian and Obyssia were not present. But when either of them were she was free to do as she willed. She had earned the right to bear the Staff of Sun Wukong, allowing her all the abilities that Cian had enjoyed when he was still mortal and during one notable episode of her Plane Hopping she had managed to "accidentally" end up within the Light of Celestia. While this would kill most mortals she emerged unharmed and with the rather disconcerting ability to wield the Celestial Light herself, to heal or to harm.   This was the act after which Cian had a slip of the tongue and introduced Arotai as his daughter and then, after a talk with the girl, he and Obyssia officially adopted her. She had already begun to act like him and now she embraced that aspect in truth, setting off on a journey of several decades in which she became one of the most infamous adventurers across the Planes. What follows is a list of the most notable accusations against her:   1. Seducing the Princess of Foros (Confirmed and the Princess claimed Arotai was most proficient) 2. Stealing the Staff of Klexia Andronas and hiding it within a novice wizard's demiplane (Allegedly) 3. Stealing the entire treasury of Atalanta and dispensing it among the beggars of the City (Confirmed) 4. Killing a Kraken that attempted to eat her during a journey over the Western Ocean and depositing said Kraken within the Harbor of Queen's Port 5. Entering the Twilight Court of the Fey, stealing several of the Nightmare Queen's puppets and depositing them across the Planes 6 (Requested by Cian Lamplier) Having a list of Lovers so long that when asked how many she had slept with, it took two days for her to recite the entire list.   Arotai has since been declared unwelcome in many regions across the Multiverse but continues to make her way around anyway because she, and this is a Direct Quote, "Does not follow the rules of the Gods."   Following the Attack on Dragonholme 60 years ago she has remained at the Monastery and only leaves to when accompanying Cian or Obyssia on official matters.


Pansexual as shown by her list of lovers which included at least one member of every Sentient Species and Gender on Almura.
Divine Classification
Unbound Outsider (Human Soul)
Current Status
Overseeing the Obsidian Atheneum
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Wandering Mind
The Monkey King's Right Hand
Grandmaster of Dragonholme
Golden Fist
Arotai Lamplier
The Monkey Princess
Year of Birth
2688 EP 86 Years old
Current Residence
The Obsidian Atheneum
Untameable Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs.


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