Mistress of the Obsidian Soul, Obyssia Lamplier

Mistress of the Obsidian Soul, Obyssia Livisa Lamplier

The Queen of Flower Fruit Mountain and the Enigmatic Leader of the Obsidian Soul, Obyssia Lamplier has withdrawn from Public View since the death of the God of Rot.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following the Death of Mazerath Obyssia and her Husband became withdrawn from public notice preffering to allow their fellows to claim the public glory. The Duo have consolidated their monasteries and collected as many records of Forbidden Magic as they can, those being the ones that they and Klexia have agreed to keep hidden from Mortal and Immortal alike until such time as they can be trusted not to destroy themselves with it.   In recent Years the Mistress of the Obsidian Soul has been spotted within Dragonholme's Monastery and her Husband has begun traversing the planes alongside The Moon Sages. This Movement of a pair of legends from ages past has many concerned that soon a catastrphe may be afoot.   For now though Obyssia has not given the public to be concerned with their actions.


Cian Lamplier, The Obsidian Sage


Towards Mistress of the Obsidian Soul, Obyssia Lamplier

Mistress of the Obsidian Soul, Obyssia Lamplier


Towards Cian Lamplier, The Obsidian Sage

Divine Classification
Demi Outsider Dragon
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mistress of the Obsidian Soul
Queen of the Shadow Dragons
Queen of Flower Fruit Mountain
Lady of the Cobalt Soul
Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


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