
The Avatars of Freedom and Good hailing from Elysium. Just... Watch out for pranks.

The Azata are the living Embodiements of Freedom, born from the Planar Realm Elysium itself.

Basic Information


Azata do not have anyone one shape or uniform body type. Nearly all have some form of divergence from one another. Some patterns emerge in that they tend to take on Animalistic traits. Many have retained a humanoid form but taken in the Insectlike wings of the Havoc Dragons among other traits such as colorful feathers, Chaotic Antlers or other such expressive traits.   Some Azata do maintain some uniformity, the Lilliend appear as women with the lower bodies of Snakes. Others have taken the traits of Elementals and roam in groups as forces of nature. They maintain close ties to the Feywild, enjoying the freedom of the Fey and finding amusement in the Fairy pranks, though the Azata can become enraged when the Fey allow their more vindictive sides to show.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Azata usually only travel in small groups, and even more frequently they travel alone and only meet with others of their kind at landmarks that act as gathering points to share songs or art with their fellows.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Azata names are expressed as Song and a single entities name can take days to speak, as such they often choose names in easily spoken tongues such as Celestial or Common when interacting with Non Azata. Examples of such names are as follows: Early Sunset, Clear Wind, Radiant Flower and Brilliant Sunrise.

Beauty Ideals

Azata prize Beauty to an abnormal degree for Celestials, though what an Azata defines as Beauty can sometimes be confusing to Mortals.

Gender Ideals

While Azata will choose their forms on a whim, the forms they most often choose are feminine in appearance and mannerisms. It is believed that they chose this as a refutation of the Empyreal Lords, who most often take on male forms.
Geographic Distribution


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