
The Wild an untamed spirit of Elysium is a beacon to all who fight injustice and cruelty. While its people are scattered and disorganized, few can match the Righteous Fury of an Azata enraged.

The Home of the Azata, Elysium is the Plane where souls aligned with the Chaotic forces of Freedom and Righteousness arrive upon their passing from the Mortal Coil.


Elysium is an untamed wilderness. Its inhabitants roam freely and survive on their own merits, living as they will and often times remaining ignorant of the perils that abound upon the lower planes. The features of this plane are exaggerated versions of what one would find upon the Material Realm, Mountains that stretch into the boundless sky, Rivers wide enough to be considered vast seas, Plains that stretch on forever. It is a realm of Natural Beauty and the embodiment of freedom from Law and Authority.

Fauna & Flora

The Primary inhabitants of Elysium are the Azata, Angels with beastial fetures and a strong sense of Justice. While they are often absent from the Conflicts of mortals, they attempt to fight the forces of Evil on a personal basis. Most Azata will journey to the aid of the helpless or the champions of freedom and aid them indirectly before disappearing again. They do not recognize the authority of the Archangels of Celestia, or at least have not since the death of Aaravos. It remains unseen if they will cooperate with Archangel Ari Ashdew.   The other Primary species within Elysium are the Insect winged Havoc Dragons, playful and cheerful creatures who use their innate abilities to create sites of revelry and joy within Elysium's wilds.


When the Upper Planes were created by the Light of Heaven, Elysium formed as an irregular plane and took centuries to settle into a habitable area. When it did the Azata formed and immediatley joined their angelic brethren upon Celestia, bringing revelry and joy to the Mountain of Order and Law.   When fighting broke out between the Angels and Demons, the Azata joined the Angels in fighting against the spawn of the Abyss. Their chaotic and disruptive tactics made even the Demons rout in confusion and the Azata proved capable of great feats with only a few individuals. In truth many of the Archangels feared the Azata might turn against them, as there were hundreds of Azata who could match the Angelic leaders on their own. The Azata had no interest in such matters and instead focused their efforts on driving back the demons. When the Twin Archangels Aaravos and Alariel sacrificed themselves and Archangel Baravos took command of Celestia the Azata were disgusted by his attitude towards their methods and refused to fight once more. Thus have they remained almost wholly unengaged in the war with the Demons since.
Plane of Existence
Inhabiting Species


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