
We are the monsters of Old, come now to your aid. We slay those who threaten our kingdom and stand with our allies! - Queen Brynn Byrne

The Beastmen of Graymark are a strange breed, it is not Lycanthropy and they are not a humanoid beast race like Tabaxi or Leonin, they are a meshing of the origins of Lycanthropy in ancient Druidic Magics.

Basic Information


The Beastmen can appear as an anthrpomorphic beast or a human form, usually signifigantly smaller than their beast form. General proportions for both forms are as follows:

Human Forms:
Male: Generally adult males have been recorded to be 5'9" to 6'5" and in the realm of 250 lbs.
Female: Adult Females have been recorded to be 5'6" to 6'3" and in the realm of 230 lbs.
All Beastmen in Human Form show highly increased muscle mass and durability compared to normal humans.

Beast Forms:
Male and Female in each subspecies of Beastmen show little in the way of differing metrics, males being on average a few inches taller and slightly heavier, but only differences in Subspecies will be recorded here.
Lupinkin: Generally appearing as monstrously large Werewolves the Lupinkin show their abilites to be of average across the board, they excel above others in no particular area but they are the most balanced in overall ability. While many refer to them as Wolfkin, this inaccurate as some show species traits of other dog like creature across their people.
Physical Statistics: General Size Range in adults is 9'6" to 13'8" and weights being recorded in the range of 450 lbs. to 875 lbs. with the Queen Brynn Byrne being the largest observed example by standing at 14' 9" and weighing in at 965 lbs.

Ursinekin: The Large Ursinekin are among the largest of the Beastkin and also the slowest. They do not have the speed of true bears but make up for it with muscle and mass. One of the Largest Ursinekin was able to force the Black Dragon Obann to the ground in a one on one confrontation. Both agreed that it was hard fought.
Physical Statistics: General Adult Size Range is 10'9" to 18'7" and weights being recorded at 800 lbs. to 1500 lbs. The Ursinekin move slightly slower than average humans.

Felinekin: The Felinekin are monstrously large cat like werebeasts, demonstrating traits from the like of Tigers, Lions and Lynx and one has been observed to have traits of a Displacer Beast. They dwarf even the mighty Leonin in strength and despite their size they are skilled in the art of disguising themselves and ambushing opponents.
Physical Characteristics: Felinekin stand at 8'3" to 12'5" and weigh in 300 lbs. to 600 lbs. They are very lean and some appear unhealthily skinny until observed in their human forms. They move faster than normal humans and can blend in among foliage, rocks or snow.

Rabbitkin: The Rabbitkin are the lightest and fastest of the Beastmen, they can move at astounding speeds and have been put to work as couriers for the Alliance. They have an exceptionally high metabolism and can consume enormous amounts of food while remaining light on their feet.
Physical Characteristics: Rabbitkin stand anywhere from 9'0" to 14'10" and weigh anywhere from 200 lbs. to 400 lbs. Those who have become Couriers have incredible endurance, moving at what would be a dead sprint for two days straight, though their bodies lack the natural weapons their kin have and they resort to jumping kicks to defend themselves. Rabbitkin can run at three times the speed of a normal human.

Genetics and Reproduction

So far it would seem that Beastmen are capable of reproducing as humans do, though mixing two different subspecies can result in strange muations, with both being possible and uncontrolled transformations between the two occuring regualrly during early youth.   The Beastmen grow faster than normal humans, able to speak at the age of four months and understand basic language by 10.

Growth Rate & Stages

More research is needed but those who are ten and became beastmen are observed to be fully developed physically, while those younger than ten years of age show difficulty controlling transformations without practice and developmentally still growing.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Lupinkin require more sustenance than two normal humans to avoid hunger daily and their favored diet seems to be meat though they are capable of eating plant matter as well.   The Ursinekin show an omnivorous diet and require much food to sustain themselves, Nearly enough for four grown men each day.   The Felinekin are near wholly carnivorous, or at least show a strong preference for such, though they require little more than a normal man.   The Rabbitkin are almost wholly herbivores and need quite a large amount of food to maintain their health, though they are capable of eating most plant material.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

So far their Culture is in flux, a mix of their human origins and their new bodies desires, but beauty standards have shifted from pure traditional beauty standards to a mix of Form and Function with many desiring strong partners. Since the change many young couples have split up and found new partners fitting their ideals.   This is demonstrated by their Queen as Brynn Byrne was once an Ideal Princess, Traditionally Beautiful and well kept appearance, and now presents herself as far more rugged, often not bothering to change from her armor and battleworn clothes for all but the most Formal Events.

Gender Ideals

Gender seems to have little sway among the Beastmen as most do not have many noticeable defining gendered differences in their Beastial Forms, aside from voices and sometimes mannerisms.

Courtship Ideals

Courting seems to be a mix of the usual interactions and mock combat between lovers. Most unions formed after the transformation have been between roughly evenly matched individuals and born of rival strength and grit.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Beastmen have been accepting to outsiders so far and have made great strides in building alliances with both Gravehollow and Foros, the two fronts of the Alliance that their people have been fighting upon.   Notable intimiate relations have been few and far between though notably Queen Brynn has announced plans to wed a Forosian Noble, though whether he will be offered the chance to become a Beastman or not is unknown.
80 Years
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by


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