Callak Lamplier, The Crown Breaker

The Crown Breaker, Callak Ishinn Lamplier (a.k.a. Callie/Cal)

The Child of Demigods but without divine power herself, This Draconic Tiefling is a strong supporter of their own sense of Justice.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Callak's mutations are assumed to be a side effect of the way in which their egg was saved by their grandmother, Obyssia. The Magics used were of an unstable nature and it is believed this magic caused their massive growth spurt.   Their body is nearly unbreakable and they do benefit from their families ability to be the Bane of Gods, as they are near universally unaffected by Divine Magics.   Unlike other Shadow Dragons, Callak was born with the Power of one and they have used this amorphous form to great effect, often manifesting as nightmarish apparitions to drive off foes or annoying passersby.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Callak was born and raised within Dragonholme, hatched as the only viable egg in a clutch of Six they were stubborn from the start. Growing up they proved a handful, often fighting with others around them and using their abilities as a Shadow Dragon to scare others off. They grew quickly, a mutant that even the Scholars of Dragonholme could not have predicted. When they were only Sixteen they ended up wandering into a planar gateway and ending up in the Shadowfel.   It was months before her family managed to find them, as Zon-Kuthon obscured their location from them. When they did find them they found a monstrously large Tiefling with scratches and marks across their body but still very resolved and fighting. Zon-Kuthon had spent the intervening months attempting to break Callak but instead had found the child to be nigh unyielding. None of his attempts had elicited any form of pain or reaction, instead they had only made Callak more and more determined to give back what he had done to them. Thus did they find him and snap off one of the Blackened Spikes embedded into his head, thus earning their title of Crown Breaker. Zon-Kuthon marked them before they left the Shadowfel and now Callak wanders the world as Zon-Kuthon's Chosen, but unwilling, Champion.

Gender Identity

Callak does not identify as either male or female, especially after their time in the Shadowfel. Their body is almost wholly androgynous and they take great lengths to preserve this image.


Like nearly all members of the Lamplier Bloodline, Callak is Pansexual and quite Promiscuous. They do not stay in any location long and have left behind a trail of broken hearts (Among other things) in their wake.


Despite their brutish appearance and Fighting Style, Callak was tutored by their parents and Grandparents. As such they are as well learned as most members of the Obsidian Soul.
Divine Classification
Lawul Good
Year of Birth
2391 EP 383 Years old
Black and Messy
364 lbs.


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