Vania Lamplier, The World Walker

I punch Gods on a semi regular basis when they misbehave, do you really want to stand between me and that book?

The World Wanderer, Vania Zeva Varag- Lamplier (a.k.a. Vani)

Vania Lamplier is one of the leaders of Flower Fruit Mountain, following Sun Wukong removing himself from the realm when his Golarion counterpart entered Almura's world. While her Father mainly uses his power and authority to keep the Gods in line, Vania uses her abilities to collect information and archive it within the Monasteries of the Obsidian Soul.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vania has spent the majority of her life as a wanderer. She spent her early life running from a deranged Goddess who went mad with power and then for a brief period she lived at the Obsidian Atheneum with her Mother and Father and her younger self. There she spent time with her mother, now actually able to wield the magic she had spent centuries studying under Ashara and Kartalos' tutelage. When the Moon Sages were formed, Vania accepted a position within them, submitting a magic of her own making as her unique form of knowledge.   During her time training at the Atheneum a constant nagging had taken root in her mind. She could not shake the feeling that she did not belong in this world, no matter how much she or her family tried to reassure her it simply refused to leave her mind. So she decided to try and find a world that fit her better. Drawing upon knowledge from her own former traveling companions, now Psychopomps in service to Pharasma, she developed an entirely new means of Travel, not between Planes or simple locations but bypassing the barriers of reality and allowing her to step into other worlds.   Her Magic has allowed her to traverse worlds where the Purge War never took place, where the archives of the Old World lay open and bare for her to peruse at her leisure. She even returned to her home world, now devoid of magic, and found it no longer accepted her. Though, her tresspass lit a spark that may eventually rekindle the spark of magic within it.   While she can only bring back small objects with her, and thus is unable to claim all the knowledge of the Old World, she has collected pieces that have filled in many of the blanks of Klexia's Archives and aided in the rediscovery of old technologies and magics. While she does not wield the power of some of her fellow sages in magic, she has built up a collection of Old World Weaponry that has enabled her to use her physical prowess to stand alongside them. She makes use of Energy Barriers, Kinetic Gauntlets, Energy Weapons and Plasma Weapons, and she closely guards them and any knowledge she has into their operation for fear of the wrong people gaining access to it.   She is often accompanied by her husband, Shinryu Varag, and the two have had only one child, a side effect of Vania's otherworldly origins causing complications with her ability to bear healthy children.


While she is quite happy with Shinryu, Vania has often visited her former traveling companions within Pharasma's realm and sought comfort in their company. She and Shinryu are also often a flirtatious duo on their travels, giving many mortals nights they will never forget.


Shinryu Varag, Prince of the Giants


Towards Vania Lamplier, The World Walker

Vania Lamplier, The World Walker


Towards Shinryu Varag, Prince of the Giants

Vania Lamplier, The World Walker

Older Sister

Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Younger Sister

Towards Vania Lamplier, The World Walker


Ashara, Psychopomp Usher

Temporary Partner

Towards Vania Lamplier, The World Walker


Vania Lamplier, The World Walker

Temporary Partner

Towards Ashara, Psychopomp Usher


Kartalos Psychopomp


Towards Vania Lamplier, The World Walker


Vania Lamplier, The World Walker


Towards Kartalos Psychopomp


Vania Lamplier, The World Walker

Younger Sister

Towards Myara Lamplier


Myara Lamplier

Older Sister

Towards Vania Lamplier, The World Walker


Divine Classification
Demi Outsider
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
1778 EP 996 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in another world, Year of birth uses her age upon arriving in Ours. Vania's age does not include her sealed time
Ashara, Psychopomp Usher (Temporary Partner)
Myara Lamplier (Older Sister)
Waist length White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
245 lbs.


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