Captain Naomi Efrezi

Mom couldn't look after me. God shit and all that. Dad tried but.... hes an Ass at the best of times. So I ran off and found Mom's Old ship. I ain't no Pirate Queen but I ain't no pushover either.

Captain Naomi Yu Efrezi

The Spiteful Captain of the Salty Princess, Naomi is the Daughter of Vinalmo Efrezi and Yin Lian. Her mother was unable to look after her following the unification of the Worlds and her Father was unprepared for a Child to be thrust upon him, leaving her neglected and to her own devices. Despite Vinalmo's best attempts to care for her she grew rebellious and wild, running off to the Sunfire and claiming her Mother's former Ship, The Salty Princess.   She now sails the Sunfire Archipelago, as an indendent Vessel. She has proven herself her mother's match in skill with both a blade and pistol and her reputation precedes her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Naomi Efrezi was born to the Goddess Yin Lian shortly after the unification of Worlds. Her mother was still weak from the effort of bringing the worlds together peacefully and could not keep Naomi safe within her Divine Realm, and thus returned her to her Father in the Northern Province of Moromel. Duke Efrezi was not prepared to care for a child and in the chaotic period following the Unification he could not set aside signifigant time for her. Thus was Naomi's upbringing largely overseen by servants who were too frightened of the Duke's Wrath to do more than ensure she was cared for.   This isolation left Naomi perpetually alone in her day to day life. The young girl did little in her youth besides study the tomes given to her or watch the Efrezi Soldiers train. She eventually began to join the soldiers in training, a few practice bouts with the Blade and Pistol at first before she truly began to join them in true mock fights. It became apparent very quickly that she had inherited her Parents supernatural reflexs and by the time she was sixteen her Father had enough time to oversee her training personally, not in the least due to the fact that he was the only one who could outpace her skills.   By the time Naomi was Twenty-Two she was second only to her Father in martial prowess and her skills in bargaining and manipulation were well on the rise. Still she felt alone, none of the Guardsmen would approach the Daughter of the Duke for fear of earning his wrath, the Nobility would not engage with her due to her somewhat crass manner of speaking that she had learned from the Guards and the Commonfolk viewed her as an Idol to be praised not engaged with as a person.   So she left. Sneaking aboard a merchant vessel bound for the Sunfire, Naomi made her way to the settlement of Queen's Port and there she found her Mother's Ship Spirit, The Salty Princess, wasting away in the bars of Queen's Port, still bemoaning her lost Captain. Naomia spoke with the Spirit herself and convinced her to allow the Noblemwoman to attempt to Captain her. The Princess recognized the same rebellious spark in Naomi's eyes that once dwelled in Yin Lian's and permitted her one attempt. The Duo set sail to the northern shores of Archipelago and engaged a group of Orcish vessels in combat. When the smoke cleared only the Princess remained, with her sole Crewman at the Helm. The Princess celebrated having a Captain once more and the two have sailed the seas ever since.   Naomi is beloved by the Princess, as she is more than willing to get her hands dirty with repairs or other maintenance and she enjoys conversing with her crew. She has become infamous on the seas as a Captain more than willing to engage in underhanded means to gain an advantage and she uses her status as the Daughter of the Goddess of Waves to pull reckless stunts that would ruin other vessels.
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Queen of Rebellion
The Pirate Princess
Red Steel
Queen of the Waves
Year of Birth
2574 EP 200 Years old
Stormy Gray
Fiery Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun Tanned
145 lbs.


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