Caravos, The Fallen Wanderer

All the Light of Heaven shines on them, but none shines in their Hearts.

Archangel of the Fifth Host, The Wandering Warrior, Caravos

Caravos was once the Chief Guardian of Mount Celestia, a ray of light arcing across the skies to defend the realm from any who threatened her. He stood alongside his Brothers and Sisters in the Primordial Age and turned back the Demon Tide. It was not until the Mortal Races emerged that he became the Fallen Wanderer.   He had been sent to turn back a Demonic Tide and so he did with his Angelic Host at his back, but he found a Mortal priestess tending to one of the wounded, a young man that had saved him from a near certain Fatal Blow, and they spoke as they both attempted to heal the young man of his grievous injuries. They did manage to heal him, his wounds no more than legendary battle scars by the end, and Caravos continued to converse with the Priestess. As they continued to speak Caravos found himself longing to stay but, at the heed of his soldiers he returned to the Heavens.   When next he was sent to quell a Demonic Invasion he again met the young Priestess, who he learned was named Elvain Ashdew. They spoke at length and this time Caravos decided to stay for a time to aid the Priestess in her work, much reconstruction was to be done after the Demonic Horde had been driven back. The rebuilding took months and the pair of them found they worked well together, Caravos traveled alongside her when she left the now thriving village, eager to see what other matters he could assisst with and eager to spend more time with Elvain.   They continued together for several months, growing very close, before Caravos was called away to repel another invasion. He promised to return to her as soon as he was able. He and his Host repelled the invasion and as he was leaving to return to Elvain, he was stopped by his Sister, Mariel, who ordered he return to the Heavens at once. Unable to refuse such an order he complied and on arrival he was ordered to stay within the bounds of the Heavens unless ordered otherwise. And so he became a battle hungry warrior, eager for any chance to return to the Mortal Realm. He repelled Horde after Horde of Demons, on occassion even alone he stood against hundreds of foes. For nearly ten years he did not see Elvain, until a Demon Lord led his Horde through a Gateway.   Caravos stood alone against a thousand foes, wounded and humbled before the Demon Lord before him. He was alone, the Host of his Angels to far behind him to aid, and then a light shown out blinding his would be executioner. Elvain stood before him glowing with power that could not have been her own, and he was right as he recognized the mark of his Brother, Baravos. As he watched the light emanating from her drove the Demons back through their Gateway and with Tears in her eyes she released the power she had been given to close the Abyssal Rift. The Blast scorched her skin and burned her with searing light that no magic could heal, as she lay dying in Caravos' arms she whispered to him a quiet last goodbye and a message of hope.   As Caravos cradled her body in his hands his warriors approached and saw their Archangel weeping for a mortal. Archangel Baravos was summoned and he approached his brother. Caravos retreated from his brother, leveling his spear at the Archangel.   "You knew this would happen!"
"I did. You were distracted and Reckless. Such distractio-"
  Baravos did not finish his sentence as Caravos embedded his spear into his Elder Brother's throat, a fatal blow for a mortal but only a crippling one for a Celestial. Caravos fled with Elvain's body, leaving Baravos to be returned to the heavens, his wounds treated, and his men leaderless. The Archangels struck his name from their ranks and marked him as a traitor.   Unknown to the other Archangels, Elvain's last words had been to tell Caravos of their Children, Twin Aasimar who resided in a out of the way town. So it was that Archangel Caravos fell from grace and became a wanderer. He raised his children to adulthood and has been wandering the mortal realms of man ever since.
Neutral Good
Golden Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 4"
245 lbs.


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