Correllon, God of Elves

Come my friend, its a beautiful day with the sun overhead a nice breeze and the perfect spot to lie down for an afternoon nap

The Ancient God of the Elves was an individual as carefree as could be expected of a God. They had no cares for the most part besides enjoying the beauty of the World. It was said that one could always find Correllon by finding a comfortable spot in the afternoon sun and while this was not exactly true, it was close enough to be taken as fact.   During the Time of the Old World the only times Correllon was seen to take up their two handed curved blade was to do battle with Gruumsh, The God of Orcs. Other than that age old rivalry they hardly ever drew his blade. When questioned why they were not as active as some others trying to improve the lives of their people they responded with   "If my people need to rely on me to solve their problems, then they do not deserve my help. I tried to take care of them all when I made them and I quickly learned it was to much even for a God. So now I respond only when I am truly needed."   Despite this they did maintain close contact with a few of their original people that they fashioned from the aether, Vinalmo Efrezi being the only living one left besides Zimwick. While Zimwick did have a personal relationship with the God, she was not their only partner and they were known to appear as a man, woman or neither at any given moment, depending upon their fancy. Vinalmo was known to be one of their frequent partners and from Vinalmo's own account they did have a child at one point, though the Ancient Elf refuses to elaborate on what became of them.   Corellon eventually fell in battle while defending Zimwick from Malgeron, though they gave the Red Orc a permanent scar upon his eye as a a parting gift. They wished for their Elves to stand together but instead they split into the various factions we have today.
36000 at his time of Death
42000 PW 4000 PW 38000 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Malgeron, defending Zimwick from a Killing Blow
Place of Death
Planar Rift that spilled their blood across the planes
Any, depending upon form
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
130 lbs


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