Damasca Irontide

Damasca Irontide was cast out on the streets at a young age, her parents had being making illegal deals with the Devils of the Nine Hells and were imprisoned in the dungeons of The City of Brass. She and her brother found themselves fighting on the streets to live, acting as Hired Muscle in the slums until one day when Damasca picked a fight she couldn't win. A minotaur charged her, breaking her nose and ruining her left eye. Her brother managed to escape with her while she was unconscious, as he ran out of the slums and came across a massive and imposing Fire Giant, Helgart Unvag.   Helgart lifted the two young giants from the ground, Despite Valkund's struggling, and brought them back to the Gilded Garden. He treated the two's injuries, even replacing Damasca's ruined eye with a Ruby fake eye. When the children had recovered he instructed them in the Old Ways of the Giant Empire, from the Ordning to the ancient arts of Combat used by the Giants. Thus were trained two Dreadnoughts, the first in the City of Brass in over 10,000 years. They forged their own armor and weapons from Giant Darksteel as was tradition and when they stood before their adoptive father and mentor, clad in their armor and weapons Helgart could feel only pride at the young ones he had trained.   After the completed their training they journeyed out into the city and began to make a name for themselves. They eventually ended up serving under the Efreeti Jaran as Bodyguards, a job they loath to fulfill but one they could not refuse, no matter how much they wanted to.


Parents (Adopting)
One Burning Orange, One Ruby Fake eye
26' 8"
1100 lbs


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