Helgart Unvag

I live for all those who do not. I will not die until this world no longer has any need of me...

Archon Helgart Unvag

The Archon of the Fire Giants and the creator and owner of the Gilded Garden in The City of Brass. Helgart was the first of the Fire Giants, the embodiement of everything their people could be. He was given purpose by Urth himself and alongside his fellow Archons he lead the Giants during the height of the Giant's Empire. He commanded the Defense of the Storm Giants during the Ritual that brought about the Cataclysm that fractured the Giant's Empire and led to their defeat at the claws of the Dragons. During this battle he lost his wife, The Cloud Giant Archon Freyja Einskil. Following this battle Helgart led his people to the Elemental Plane of Fire and established what would become the City of Brass.   In his youth Helgart was unwaveringly Loyal to the Storm Giants and his King Hraldir Coskar. Following the Cataclysm, the death of his wife, and the fall of the Giants he led his people without the guidance of the Storm Giants. He led them to the Plane of Fire to build a home for themselves among the inhospitable burning land. The city began as a small settlement but slowly expanded into the sprawling metropolis it is today.   Helgart originally did command the city and those within it but as their numbers grew and as more outsiders arrived, he lost much of his say within the city. It was not until the Efreeti came that he was removed from any official position of power. They brought with them slavery and greed and this infected his people. He could only watch as his people went from warriors and craftsmen to Corrupt Slaveholders and monsters. He now resides within the Gilded Garden, occupying his time until he is needed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Heavily Scarred, nearly his whole body is scar tissue, he went through a period of Grief in which he cared not what happened to himself. He was only spared death from this time by his men who kept him alive against his wishes.

Mental characteristics


Straight as a board and twice as bad at conversation.


Given Knowledge of many things by Urth, what he did not learn from his God he learned from his fellow Archons or through Experience.


Self Employed Caretaker of the Gilded Garden.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Invented and Perfected the Art of Runecrafting.
Has said, not boasted, there is no finer smith across the planes.
Owns an entire District of the City of Brass.
Beaten the Archdevil Zariel when she attempted to take Soldiers by force, while he was unarmed and unarmored. She was removed from the confrontation by her troops that she had brought with her. Helgart snapped her wings before they managed to remove her, an act she still holds a grudge over.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to save Freyja from death at the hands of a Gold Dragon.
Failed to keep his people from falling to corruption.
Failed to save his Soldiers from joining the Ranks of the Legions of Hell and being used as meat shields.

Mental Trauma

Saw his Wife killed by the claws of a Gold Dragon, while he was helpless to save her. The Dragon's Skull now serves as a decoration in his home in the Gilded Garden, A warning to others who would cross him and to himself about what matters to himself.

Cannot wield a weapon without paralyzing flashbacks.

Intellectual Characteristics

Incredibly intelligent in matters of Smithing, Runecraft and Metalworking.


Will not leave people to die or suffer if he can help it, no matter what race or species they are.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the God Urth
Urth Fount
Current Residence
The Gilded Garden
Fiery Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashen Gray
1800 lbs
Known Languages
Giant, Draconic, Primordial, Deep Speech, Undercommon, Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Dwarvish, Orcish.


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