
No one is going to invade a Nation that sits in the most dangerous land in the World and especially not when that land is home to thousands of Dragons. You'd need a massive army, and thats before you get its founders involved.

The Nation of Dragons and home of the Moonhaven Academy.


Nearly all residents of Dragonholme have some degree of Draconic Blood in their veins, partially due to the Founders of the Nation's exploits but also due simply to the close proximity that Mortal Peoples and Dragons mix within the lands. Dragonholme is not a Nation of any one race and despite the abundance of Draconic residents the people there show an unusually high degree of diversity.


Offically overseen by a Council, said Council is led by Kenina Ashdew and while her title is simply meant to be a sign of her veterancy it is true that her decisions are near universally accepted by the other Councilors. The other members of the Council respect her decisions and she is often referred to as the Ruler of Dragonholme, though she refuses to take such a title.


Dragonholme has never suffered an Invasion and this is due to three primary factors.   1. The Draconic Residents of Dragonholme are more than capable of dispatching any approaching army when banded together, though many point to the trend of the Younger Generations of Dragons becoming weaker and less violent overall as a crumbling foundation to this.   2. The Moonhaven Academy boasts the largest Student Body of any institute of learning outside of Absalom, and despite what their Headmistress would wish they will defend their home to the last as it is the only home most of them have known.   3. The Black Eyes are the final piece of the puzzle and perhaps the most feared by foreign powers. Led by their mysterious leader they are Psionic Assassins, Spies and Thieves who have been offered a chance at service in exchange for amnesty. This has led to their order becoming a constant worry for any hostile foreign power as the skills possessed by the members of The Black Eyes are enough that most hostile groups will simply find their members disappearing at the slightest hint of hostile movement against Dragonholme.


Much of the Infrastructure within the City itself is designed around its more airborne residents being able to land easily and as such much of the vertical structures have perches or landing platforms built in. Open spaces are abundant throughout the City and many of the Older Dragons who dwell here can often be found providing advice to the young residents of the City in parks and the like.

Points of interest

The Planar Nexus - Created by Shizani Ashdew, Numiner Andronas, Ashara Andronas and the Moon Sages, The Nexus is a Heavily Reinforced building that provides open and direct access to the Other Planes of Existence. It is staffed at all times by no less than two hundred guards all of whom are handpicked by the Leadership of Dragonholme to defend the Nexus should anything emerge from the Planar Portals within. The Nexus houses Planar Portals to nearly any Plane one could desire to visit and is frequently used by The Moon Sages to carry out their work. Each Portal has been heavily enchanted to prevent any full scale invasion from another Plane.
Founding Date


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