Elliot Andronas, The Shadowmind

Its never going to happen again... Not under my Watch. I'm the Child of a Goddess of Knoweldge and the Greatest Mind of Dragonholme, I should have been more prepared.

Spymaster Elliot Andronas

The Master of Assassins and the Hidden Blade in Kenina Ashdew's Hands, Elliot Andronas is the Leader of the Black Eyes and one of the most Potent Psychics Almura has seen since the time of the Old World. He remains ever vigilant and is constantly at work thwarting threats to Dragonholme's safety.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Elliot is Possessed of perhaps the Single Greatest gift of Psionics on the Planet. He has demonstrated the ability to challenge his own Divine Mother's Mind and, if only briefly, match her.   His single greatest feat is his Psionic Web which links him to his Agents Abroad, able to maintain real time psychic connections with his agents thousands of miles away.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following the deafeat of Mazerath, Elliot spent several decades traveling much of the World of Almura with his then Girlfriend, Xaelyn Ashdew. When the duo finally made an official return to Dragonholme they found that Archangel Zefer had been pulled to Celestia more and more, unable to placate the Goddess Iomedae any longer she remained in Celestia for long periods unable to continue life as she had previously within the Nation of Dragonholme. This left the rogues and spies of the Angel's Rest without much direction as the leader Zefer had chosen was almost immediatley found dead, alongside many of the more veteran members.   Elliot used his skills as a Psychic to find the killer and eliminate them, an act which inadverntently led to him being named the leader of those left within the group. These men and women eventually became the Black Eyes, a group of Assassins, Cutthroats, Thieves and Spies under Elliot's direct command in service to Dragonholme. This process took time and at first Elliot attempted to hand the reins to others but each time they either proved corrupt or incompetent and Elliot was once more placed in charge invariably within a handful of months.   Eventually Elliot accepted the burden of Leadership and set about making changes within the structure of the organization. He personally oversaw the recruitment of any new members, using his Psionic abilities to probe their minds for deceit or ill intent. Following a screening of all members of the group, he had rumors spread through the underworld that any who wished to be free of their life of crime and death would be welcome in the Black Eyes, provided they performed some final services. This rumor of Amnesty attracted men and women of il repute from across the world, veterans of their craft who had grown weary of their constant paranoia. Many were surprised to find that the rumors were true, personally granted by Kenina Ashdew herself at Elliot's request. These Veterans of their craft were more than willing to aid and train others in exchange for a life of retirement.   Through Decades of cultivation, Elliot's people became a force to be reckoned with, indeed they were one of the many reasons that Dragonholme has stood so long without much of any foreign conflict. Elliot himself rarely needed to step in to intervene and often he was simply the mastermind behind the plans of the Black Eyes without having to do much more than plan. When his Daughter was born he took a step back from his duties, leaving much of the more intensive tasks to a group of his most trusted advisors. He did not fully remove himself, often stepping in when situations required and keeping himself appraised of the goings on of many of his agents.   When Anduran Ashdew was born to his wife, he continued this practice, feeling that things were managing themselves nicely. It was not until Anduran was taken that he realized how lax his agents had become. As he and his people rushed to save his son Elliot blamed himself above all for his negligence and when Anduran was unmade by Ilaxis, it broke something inside of him. On the trip back to Dragonholme he spoke little and when Rakai slipped away into the night, he said nothing as he watched his remaining child run from her family.   When he returned to Dragonholme he and Xaelyn fought, first with words and eventually they came to blows. It was a battle unlike anything that had been fough in recent memory, with Xaelyn's Lightning ruining much of the area and Elliot's Acidic breath melting anything that survived it. The two wounded each other severly but nothing hurt Elliot more than Xaelyn searing off most, but not all, of her Claim Mark. Xaelyn won their battle, leaving Elliot bleeding and broken outside of Dragonholme with a message only he knows. Elliot was recovered by Numiner and Obann and brought to the Moon Haven to recover.   The Dragon struggled to process his emotions and what had happened, his Psionic powers ran wild and he found but one way to keep them in check. To keep his mind occupied and to bury the raw emotions within his mind. Within weeks he was back in the Angel's Rest, overseeing the Black Eyes and vowing that he would never be caught unprepared again. His Mother's pleas have fallen on deaf ears as he works himself day and night with only the minimal amount of breaks he requires to function. He is the Right hand of Kenina Ashdew and the Blade she wields to devastating effect, because she has seen what he would become if he remains idle for too long.

Mental Trauma

It is not an unwillingness to resolve his own mental issues that troubles Elliot's mind, it is an inability to without unleashing psychic trauma onto all those within leagues of himself. Should he allow himself to delve into those emotions it will inflict the pain of those times on all those around him, a pain that even his Mother Klexia found nigh unbearable in her own realm.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Since the Incident he has had a bad habit of smoking and neglecting his own health, resulting in him losing much weight and being far thinner than he was previously. He retains much of his muscle but he appears almost sickly and weak.


Elliot Andronas, The Shadowmind


Towards Xaelyn Ashdew, Herald of the Storm

Xaelyn Ashdew, Herald of the Storm


Towards Elliot Andronas, The Shadowmind

Elliot Andronas, The Shadowmind

Closest Friend

Towards Kenina Ashdew, High Councilor of Dragonholme


Kenina Ashdew, High Councilor of Dragonholme

Closest Friend

Towards Elliot Andronas, The Shadowmind


Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Towards Elliot Andronas, The Shadowmind


Elliot Andronas, The Shadowmind


Towards Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Divine Classification
Psionic Demigod
Year of Birth
2082 EP 692 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
The Angel's Rest
Blood Red/ Amethyst Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
175 lbs.
Ruled Locations


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