Duke Eren Volund (Air-En Vole-Und)

The Duke of Ironhold a member of the Paladin Order known as the Order of Light and bearer of a Divine Artifact known as the Blade of Wulfrik Ashalos.   Eren Volund was born the second son of a family of five. He was raised to be a Paladin as is the tradition in the Kingdom of Foros. When he reached adulthood he set off for life as an adventurer. He accumulated quite a bit of notoriety as an unconventional but effective Paladin and he was often accompanied by fellow Paladin Forrest Lionheart. Together they had many an adventure within the Alliance, The Nation of Moledar and even amongst the academies of Roseweald on the continent of Ausen.   It was on one such adventure that Eren met his future Wife, the Thief Maria Waller. She stole the Weapons and armor of the two paladins while they were bathing, leading to a chase through the city with the two men in naught but towels. When she had been caught she gave up the names of her colleagues, a Group of thieves known as the Midnight Cats, in exchange for being spared from execution. When the young duo left the city they were followed by Maria who, after a series of incidents, ended up officially joining them on their adventures and gaining a positive notoriety for once. The Trio of adventurers eventually ended up in the Outlands and while exploring a large area of ruins stumbled upon a blade, perfectly pristine, embedded into a ruined throne. The blade gave off a dark aura and they wrapped it in cloth before bringing it back to Foros' Temple of the Order of Light. They performed rite after rite upon the blade but it required a spirit to contain it and so the Blade was bound to Eren Volund by his own choice. He was forbidden from drawing the blade without express consent from a member of the Order of Light. A short time after this adventure Volund was summoned home as an invasion of Ogres from the Bleakstone Mountains was on the doorstep of his home of Ironhold.   The Trio of Adventures made their way to Ironhold with haste. They arrived to find the Ogres laying siege to the City. At Forrest's Command Volund used the power of the Blade he had received. With it he raised the Ogre's dead against them and drove them back to their mountains while Maria and Forrest protected him. When the Ogre's were defeated and scattered they returned to the city to a heroes welcome but with a sour tinge. Eren's older brother and younger sister had fallen trying to stop the Ogre's before they reached the city. Eren was forced by his aged father to assume the title of Duke in his brothers place and Eren accepted the mantle begrudgingly. He stayed and adapted as well as he could to his new duties, with Maria staying with him to assist and comfort him in his grief. She accepted his marriage proposal only a few months later, much to Eren's fathers outrage. The new Duke and Duchess set about bringing a bit more of the outside world into their Duchy.   And so they ruled together from their late twenties until Maria's passing last year at the hands of The White Blight. Now Duke Volund busys himself with his work and preparing his children.   Oh and dealing with 7 chaotic adventures that are under his employ.


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