Fraeya Andronas

Fraeya Andronas

Fraeya Andronas was a leader among the people of her settlement, a mining town in the north of Gravehollow. She was a well liked Necromancer and she used her magic's to help the townsfolk freely, rather than charging for her services as some of her colleagues did. She and her husband lived with their daughter and did quite well for themselves. Then came the accident. An explosion in the mines led to her husband's death and her daughter being badly injured. Though her daughter recovered, even with all her necromantic power she could not revive her husband, even as an undead.    Stricken with Grief, Fraeya sent her daughter to the Gravehollow Academy of Magic and left her estate to be attended by a small group of undead thralls, awaiting the return of Klexia. Fraeya set off acting as a vigilante and champion of the common people. She has traveled far and wide and rumors of her pop up now and again. She has given many a change of heart on necromancy, at least when it is used by the proper people.    She keeps an eye on her daughter and makes sure she is not in over her head, as any parent should. Her last appearance was in the Island Continent of Moromel, where she was hosted by the High Elven Duke Vinalmo Efrezi.


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