Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge

Goddess of Knowledge, Klexia Andronas (a.k.a. Klex)

Klexia Andronas is the Goddess of Knowledge in the reformed world of Almura and, unwittingly one of its chief Godesses. She is the Patron Goddess of Dragonholme and serves as the Guardian of any Dragons who choose to not serve Tiamat. While the Gods are generally forbidden to dwell upon the Material Plane, Klexia is known to manifest an Avatar of herself within the bounds of the Moonhaven Academy and

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following her Ascension, Klexia Andronas served as the Caster of the Spell to bring the worlds of Golarion and Almura together. She wove the worlds into one following the Death of Mazerath and the union of the Worlds, Klexia unwittingly became a Central Goddess of the New World. She stands as one of the Most Powerful of the Gods in the New World alongside Pharasma, Casmodus, Zon-Kuthon and Sarenrae and her influence can be felt throughout the world. As the Goddess of Knowledge she is venerated, if not directly offered worship, in most places of higher learning despite her own wishes to not be worshipped in such capacity.   Her true followers are those who spread knowledge and gather hidden secrets for their own sake, not for the favor of their Goddess. Her true temples are often small libraries and the priests that maintain them act as little more than teachers to any who are willing to learn. Most often her Priests are those who are either unable to travel or those who have no aptitutde for combat to seek out knowledge in the dangerous corners of the world.   Klexia Inherited Vecna and Gelfar's worshippers when she took his power, as such she is seen as the Patron Goddess of Gravehollow and is the Divine Patron of the Cobalt Soul and the Organization at its heart, The Obsidian Soul. While her followers within Gravehollow adhere to her philosophy of sharing knowledge, the Obsidian Soul seeks to protect the mortal races from that which they are not prepared for, hoarding knowledge deemed to dangerous for the common folk and in the most extreme cases, placing the tomes, scrolls and other items containing the most dangerous secrets in the Goddess' own Realm beyond the reach of all but the most driven entities.   Following the Battle of the Seagate, Klexia has taken on the Mantle of Protector of Dragons, even if that only means shielding them from Tiamat's Influence. She


Contacts & Relations

Klexia does not act alone, she has many mortal assistants that aid her in matters she cannot directly intervene in and fellow Gods and Goddesses who lend their expertise and followers when needed. Among her divine allies she counts the following:
  • Lolth, Goddess of Shadows - Lolth has been an ally of Klexia since the Drow Goddess split herself in two. She and her followers aid the Obsidian Soul in locating and collecting Dangerous Knowledge
  • Sidela, The Goddess of Mischief - Sidela views Klexia as a friendly Goddess and her followers act as informats when they discover items of interest to the Goddess of Knowledge and her Followers
  • Zimwick, Goddess of Curiosity - Zimwick and Klexia have intermixed domains and the overlap of their followers often leads to collaboration among their followers and Zimwick offers advice to the young Goddess if she asks
  • Garn Zoren, Architect of Magic - Garn Zoren's machines and other creations are prime examples of the knowledge Klexia wishes to keep from mortal hands and as such she has convinced the Ulitharid God to keep his mroe dangerous creations from his followers, instead pushing him to investigate more peaceful creations.
  • Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Celestia - Zefer and Klexia were allies long before either ascended to Divinity and the two remain close even now. When either has a problem the other can aid in, they do not hesitate to pool their resources.
  • Quillima Duskborn, Queen of Nightmares - While the Fey Queen has little to offer in Klexia's search for knowledge, as her followers are more interested in the joys of the world and the defense of their patron's realm, Quillima's followers can often be found providing aid in the form of healing or rescue to Klexia's followers who have gotten in over their heads.
  • Rone Eld, Elder God of Stars - The God of Stars defends Almura from threats stemming from the Great Beyond and he and his wife help to aid the people of Almura in repeling any Outer Gods that attempt to invade their realm. When Rone Eld or his wife are unable to address the problems faced by their followers directly, they often turn to Klexia and her vast collection of knowledge.
  • Cian Lamplier, The Obsidian Sage - The Obsidian Sage does not often deign to aid Klexia as he has a strong distaste for the Gods and even if they are friends he continues to dislike the power she wields. Cian's students and disciples gather information for the Obsidian Soul, which indirectly serves Klexia under his Wife, the Obsidian Dragon Obyssia Lamplier.
  •   Among her Mortal Assistants she counts many, though the most prominent are those of her own Family and friends:
  • Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames - The Archlich of Flames is one of the Chief assistants of Klexia and an insatiable scholar in both the fields of Magic and the Mundane. She is an expert in the application and removal of Curses and is often seen investigating reports of Cursed Items and dangerous magics
  • Vissera, Archlich of Frost - While not a member of the Goddess' Family, Vissera seems to share a space close to Klexia's heart as she is often sent far afield to negotiate on Klexia's behalf. Vissera can often be found traveling when not performing duties for Klexia and the further from familiar lands she is, the happier she seems to be. Vissera maintains a large collection of Knowledge of Old World Knowledge
  • Kartalos Andronas, The Hellfire Wizard - Kartalos is a famed Scholar and a Professor of the Moonhaven Magic Academy. He is also Dragonholme's foremost expert upon the Nine Hells. His Birth mother often sends her servants to assinate him but he has foiled each and every attempt, even clashing with Kaina Tevara personally on a handful of occasions. He guards Dragonholme from Extra Planar threats and has constructed his own Tower outside the bounds of the Moonhaven Academy.
  • Mevara Andronas, Battlemage of the Moonhaven - Mevara has charged herself with dealing with the threat of the Goddess Ilaxis. Specifically she and a group of fellow Battlemages hunt down Ilaxis' Cult wherever they appear in civilized territories and seek to retrieve the tomes that Ilaxis stole from Klexia's Library. Currently Missing in Action.
  • Elliot Andronas the Secret Keeper - It is a matter of fierce debate whether Elliot Andronas is involved in his Mother's Plans. He seems to act independently of any of her other assistants and it is unknown in what capacity he may aid her. No doubt is made as to whether or not he could as the Black Dragon is every bit as crafty as his mothers and an even greater warrior than his Father.
  • Numiner Andronas, Headmistress of the Moonhaven - Numiner Andronas is the Headmistress of The Moonhaven Magic Academy and the Wife of Klexia Andronas. She maintains close ties with Klexia and facilitates what matters she can, often sending students on expeditions to retrieve information that is not dangerous but at risk of being lost. The Knowledge is then preserved within the Academy's Halls and dispensed if possibile.
  • Obann Andronas, Defender of the Moonhaven - Obann is Klexia's Husband and The Moonhaven's instructor in Battle magic and its chief defender. He does not often defend the Kingdom of Dragonholme at large, instead guarding the Academy and its students with what power he has.
  • Relationships

    Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Towards Numiner Andronas


    Numiner Andronas


    Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Towards Obann Andronas


    Obann Andronas


    Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations

    Sister Goddess

    Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge

    Sister Goddess

    Towards Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations


    Professor Obann Andronas


    Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Towards Professor Obann Andronas


    Headmistress Numiner Andronas


    Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Towards Headmistress Numiner Andronas


    Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge

    Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light

    Divine Classification
    High Goddess
    Chaotic Good
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Headmistress Klexia
    The Goddess of Books
    The Goddess of Dragons
    The Wyrm
    The Witch
    The Lich
    Year of Birth
    1757 EP 1017 Years old
    Gravehollow, Andronas Manor
    Obann Andronas (Husband)
    One Silver and One Purple
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    200 lbs.
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations


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