
I promise, I will see you survive. Even if I must forfeit my own life.

Dragon Rider Halde Amber Malova

A Forosian woman who serves in the Royal Guard under Geneveve, she has been assigned as the Dragon Rider and caretaker of Garcel the Red Dragon Conscript.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Halde is a Cavalier at heart, preffering combat from the Saddle than on foot, especially now with her jammed leg. She fights from atop Garcel, hurling Javelins or using modified Long Spears to impale enemies from her Saddle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Halde was born to a Forosian Noble Family and raised as a proper Noblewoman, educated to the highest degree and expected to Lead the Family when she came of Age. All of that fell apart with the arrival of the White Blight. Her Mother and Father succumbed first, followed by her Grandparents and Finally she watched her younger Sister wither away. With no family left to speak of she turned to combat training, where she excelled in mounted combat. She dismissed most of her duties as a noble in lew of losing herself in ancient stories of Dragons and she was about to make her way to the Roost when word arrived that the City had been lost.   With word arriving of the Orcish Horde that approached from the North she donned her armor and begged King Quentin Lionheart to allow her to join in the fighting. Instead she was assigned to the Royal Guard under the command of a changeling girl younger than herself. She fell into a slump of depression as she thought she had been assigned the position out of disgrace. It was nearly two months later that she realized the honor she had been given, joining Queen Vera and Lady Geneveve in Evergarden she was to secure the northern border of Evergarden, a task she was all to happy to perform. She led a squad of Cavalry against Orcish incursions and repelled their invasion into the peaceful territory. After four months of Battle she finally met with a problem. One of the Orcs had managed to smash her leg during a charge and she could hardly move the damaged limb. It hindered her riding ability enough that she had to return to the Queen, unable to fulfill her mission.   It was here she learned that the Royals had spent the last of the Royal Coffers upon purchase of a Dragon within the City of Brass to aid in the defense. Queen Vera suggessted that Halde be sent to retrieve the Dragon as she would be bound to it via Slave Mark and could serve as his Rider as Dothmar did for Obann. She did so, meeting the group known as The Chaotic Seven during a tense exchange with Garcel. She returned to Everlight via teleportation Medallion and began prepping Garcel for battle, aiding him in acquiring Armor and helping fashion the saddle upon which she would ride. Now the duo continue Halde's Mission, a two man team of Orc Hunters.



Mental Trauma

Halde fears the White Blight, after witnessing it consume her family she is rightfully traumatized and wishes the disease to be cured quickly.

Intellectual Characteristics

Incredibly intelligent, Halde was given instruction by Private Tutors that were among the best in the Alliance. She is incredibly smart and quick witted, and she now teaches Garcel about the World whenever they come across something he does not understand.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

She is an enjoyer of Dragons and is awed by their majestic forms. While she is performing a duty, she is also living a fantasy being able to soar the skies atop the wings of a true Dragon.   She does also Enjoy Garcel's company and loves to teach him.   She has confronted multiple officers who have questioned whether Garcel might turn on them or not, usually coming to blows with the unlucky soldier, as she has a Dragon to back her up, though she hardly needs it.




Towards Halde




Towards Garcel


Neutral Good
Current Status
Work with Garcel to push back against the Invading Orcs
She Her
Clear Blue
Bright Red Flowing Locks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun Tanned
194 lbs.


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