
The Hellknights of Golarion were fractured by the Unification but have reformed themselves within New Cheliax.


Each Hellknight Order is led by a Lictor, the Hellknight term for Leader, and Paralictors, the Officers of the Hellknights. Hellknight Signifiers are those capable of wielding Magic, either Arcane or Divine. Common Rank and File are simply known as Hellknights and Hellknights in training are reffered to as Armigers.   Each Hellknight is given a personal suit of Black Plate Armor upon completion of their training, with each Order having their own style of Armor. A Hellknight's Armor is a very personal Item and many would rather die before sacrificing it.


A Hellknight earns their name by completion of their training under an Order's watchful gaze and then slaying a Devil in single combat. Only upon completion of this vital piece are they given their armor.   Regardless of their severity, Hellknights are not an inherently evil group; they are wholly unconcerned with morality. Although there are numerous evil members—particularly among their upper echelons—the majority of the orders are impartial arbiters and enforcers of order and justice. They see the study of Hell's tenets and even the summoning of devils as tools meant to intimidate and strengthen the individual resolve of the orders' members. Hellknights are taught to replace emotion with steely discipline, and are not interested in methods: only the end results matter.   While Hellknights are widely feared and respected, the common Hellknight joins out of a sense of duty and a wish to be a part of something greater, seeing a world ruled by laws and free of rampaging beasts and cheating thieves as a future well-worth striving toward, even at the sacrifice of freedom. Countries and rulers sometimes invite Hellknights into their lands, leaving the dirty business of harsh law enforcement to an already loathed third party, although convincing Hellknights to leave once they have been welcomed sometimes proves problematic for more freedom-loving societies.
Military Order

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