Order of the Scarlet Rose

The Armored Mages who follow a Goddess of Chaos and call themselves Hellknights? Be afraid, anyone who can wrench Law out of that Old Lich is a madman indeed.

An Order specializing in the Use of Magic and dedicated to Knowledge.


The Order of the Scarlet Rose is a small Order, Composed of one Lictor, Three Paralictors and Nintey-Six Hellknight Signifiers. They are few in number but each Signifier is trained for years before being permitted to join their brothers and sisters in missions to retrieve tomes or other knowledge. The members of the Order are very focused on their missions and do not engage in socialization with outsiders until their missions are complete.   Following their retrieval of one of the Tomes Stolen by the Goddess Ilaxus and its subsequent return to the Goddess of Knowledge she permitted their worship of her, and their Fortress was sanctified with the Full Protections of the Goddess. It now serves as one of the few locations that the Goddess permits Forbidden knowledge to be stored outside of her Divine Realm.

Mythology & Lore

The Order of the Scarlet formed when the Hellknights were refounded in New Cheliax. A group of Hellknight Signifiers broke off from their Orders and banded together with the express goal of preserving Knowledge that would be useful to the other Hellknight Orders and expanding the Hellknight's power through Magical Talent.   Thus did they form their own Fortress in the mountainside far from New Egorian and dedicate it to the Goddess Klexia Andronas and the God Casmodus. The Followers of Klexia rejected this as a true claim but the Hellknights demonstrated themselves to the Archlich Ashara Andronas who begrudgingly accepted them and their twisted worship of her Mother, though only to preserve the Knowledge that they had hoarded within their fortress. Klexia's greatest followers, The Arch liches and her other Children, have made repeated journeys to the Hellknight Fortress to attempt to find some fault in the Hellknight's treatment of knowledge, some flaw in their system to justify the removal of any object associated with their Goddess but to no avail, The Signifiers of the Order of the Scarlet Rose hold well to their beliefs, even if they do not fully align with Klexias.   The Order has aided Klexia's official church on several occasions, using their hoarded knowledge to serve her church and they are the group who retrieved one of the Ancient Tomes stolen by the Goddess Ilaxus and returned it without resistance. This act earned them a begruduging acceptance from Klexia herself, who permitted them to continue their ways provided they did not stray from their path.

Preserve the Knowledge of the World against the Ravages of Time.


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