His Infernal Majesty, King Antonius III of the Thrice Damned House Thrune

That Whole damned Bloodline is corrupt, the problem is they aren't stupid. - King Argunand Blackwall

The Infernal King of New Cheliax, Anotnius Algorian Thrune (a.k.a. Antony)

King Antonius is the Current King of New Cheliax and a potent Sorceror of the Hells. He has been blessed by Lord Casmodus of Nessus with the ability to forge Infernal contracts with other mortals, as well as the King's Daughter, Princess Abrogail Thrune XI.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

King Antonius is a clever and conniving King. At the age of 12 he orchestrated the deaths of his Parents as well as the deaths of his Aunts and Uncles. Of course no proof of this has ever been found but the circumstances speak for themselves. Antonius was left as the sole heir to the throne of New Cheliax and within the week his coronation was held.   Since he took the throne, Antonius has been an effective, if tyrannical, ruler. He has established defensive lines between his people's holdings and Castle Blackwall. He has rooted out any dissent within the Nobles of New Cheliax and secured his own Family's safety, with only two assassination attempts taking place during the entirety of his reign. His servants are each bound by Infernal Contract and the only resident of the Imperial Palace not bound by a contract with him is his own Daughter, Abigail Thrune.   Antonius is a powerful Sorceror and he uses the magic blessed to him by his Blood exceptionally well, though unlike many who practice magic he does not neglect his physical defenses. The King is a capable swordsman and he augments his swordplay with magic to allow himself to fight far greater foes on even terms. His most Notable Clash is surviving an Assault from the Goddess of Kervalden, Pandemos.   As a Ruler, Antonius is more or less beloved by his people. Many rumors abound about the purity of his Family's Blood and whether his daughter is truly Human or if she has been tainted. None have acted on these rumors as they value the King's efforts to their people but the rumors persist regardless.
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Infernal Majesty
The Prince of the Hells
Year of Birth
2584 EP 190 Years old
Emerald Green
Short Red Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lbs.
Casmodus, Lord of the Ninth


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