Infernal Princess Abrogail Thrune

If the People knew the Truth of me.... They would shackle me and drag me through the streets. Or.... they would try.

Infernal Princess Abrogail Leandira Thrune (a.k.a. The Fury)

The Princess of New Cheliax who harbors secrets that would ruin her Bloodline forever.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Abrogail Thrune's appearance varies depending on where she is. When in the Palace or within the view of the people, she maintains her mostly human appearance with her only inhuman feature being the two black growth on her head that resemble Devilkin horns.   When upoon the battlefield she reveals her true form, that of a Half Erinyes. She appears as an Angelic creature with pale skin, red eyes, True Devilkin horns and Black Feathered wings. She is known by her Soldiers, all bound to secrecy through Infernal Contract, as the Fury of New Cheliax. This form makes it apparent that her mother was not Human as her father so loves to pretend, but indeed she was the Devil he bound as a young man the first time that allowed him to orchestrate the deaths of his own parents.

Special abilities

The Princess is in a unique situation. She is not a Tiefling, nor is she a devil. She is not human but it remains the closest to what she is. As such it is an oddity that she can use many of the same Infernal Magics that her father can. Due to her unique nature, she has the innate ability to make Infernal Contracts, without the approval of any Greater Devil or Archfiend like her Father.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abrogail Thrine was officially born to a concubine of King Antonius Thrune of New Cheliax, a concubine who tragically died in the birth. As his only child and a potential Heir, she was permitted to live in the Palace as Princess, at least until a legitimate Heir could be produced. In truth Abrogail was born to her father's personal Devil, an Erinyes he bound when he reached adulthood and stripped of her name and will. A fact that when Abrogail learned of it, she attempted to run her father through with her sword at the tender age of five.   Following her failed assassination attempt, she was drilled in martial combat away from her father and she was assigned guards to keep her contained. An Infernal Collar was placed upon her and she was not permitted to do anything unsupervised. By the age of ten she was to powerful to contain without magical bindings and she was subjected to rigurous mental conditioning to mold her into the ideal Princess. This conditioning was almost wholly successful, as they could not corral her rage, though it had nearly been beaten into total submission. When she was revealed as New Cheliax's Princess at the age of 16, she was a near perfectly obedient and recieved with no small amount of marriage requests, all of which were denied. When one of the older noblemen of New Egorian attempted to assault her, she brought his gutted body into the main hall of the Palace during a party and pinned it to the wall. This event made the opinion of her fall rather greatly.   After this outburst she was sent to fight against the forces of Castle Blackwall alongside a group of soldiers sworn to secrecy on her true nature. She produced amazing results on the Battlefield, leading her squadron of soldiers to victory after victory, even clashing with the likes of Elan Blackwall and fighting the Demigod to a draw. Notably she has fought King Argunand Blackwall on over a dozen occasions and neither have fallen in battle, leading some to spread the rumor that the Princess and the enemy King are conspiring to overthrow King Antonius. The first person to voice these rumors in her presence recieved a blast of Hellfire to their face.   Regardless of her outbursts, Princess Thrune is still viewed mostly positively by the people of New Cheliax as she is their greatest martial champion. She spends little time in the capital, prefering to move from battlefield to battlefield rather than have to skirt the dangers of politics.


While the Princess has rejected all manner of proposals from the nobility of New Egorian, she has had several lovers among her battlefield comrades. She has taken both men and women to bed with her and she only ceased being casual about it when her Father threatened her with being Collared once again.
Year of Birth
2608 EP 166 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Devil Pale
185 lbs.


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