Imperial Trademaster

The head of all Commerce and Trade in the Imperium, The Trademaster oversees all trade within the Imperium and is generally regarded as one of the most dangerous individuals in the Empire. They can move funds, bankrupt businesses without anyone questioning them and fund endeavors they feel will aid the Imperium with next to no oversight. As such they are either loved or hated depending on who you ask within the Imperium. Their only true duty to the Crown  is to keep the treasury well funded in order to fund Imperial Endeavors and at this the Trademaster has excelled since the position was created.   Interestingly the Position of Trademaster has always been held by an Imperial Goblin, one of those twisted into a more appealing form by early Warmages looking to create servants for themselves, and they have grown used to the power afforded to them. The Trademaster has such been viewed as the Leader of the Goblins within the Empire, though some whisper that this is not the case. In any event this racial retention of the Position has led to the Imperial Goblins forming a business Empire that can be found in every city, town and village across the Empire. They manufacture and sell anything and everything, usually for cheaper than their competitors can afford to. The Trademaster does not overtly encourage this but the Goblin Shoppes always seem to go unbothered by the Trademaster's decrees.   The Current Trademaster is Iselda Tongur, formerly an assassin for the Imperial Spymaster, she is known for her calm demeanor and her propensity for dealing with annoyances with her blades rather than diplomacy.
Civic, Professional

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