Kalresi Alisiri

Eighty Years of Politics and all I have to show for it is a terrible Coffee Addiction and some missing teeth. I hope Mom is Okay.

Captain Kalresi Isha Alisiri

A Captain from the Mage Guard in Roseweald, she has resigned in favor of a job protecting a precious shipment.

Physical Description

Body Features

Self removed Fangs. She has removed her own fangs to suppress the thirst of blood and continues to remove them whenever her body regrows them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a Noble of Amelia's Church and a member of the Magister Council, Kalresi grew up within the Cathedral of Night. As she reached maturity she enlisted within the Mage Guard using her Father's position to get in. She rose to become a captain, though she was shunned and hated by most of her fellow Officers and many of the Magisters.   After her Father passed do to Old Age she became the target of ever more cruel effots to remove her from office. The most persistent was an enchanted Thermos given to her by a supposed friend. The Thermos was enchanted with a potent addicting curse to make those who drank from it become dependent on the contents. The contents were also enchanted to be dispensed at boiling temperatures. She has had this Thermos for over fifty years and must drink from it at least once per hour. The Magister who enchanted it grew frustrated by her stubborn refusal to resign even after this and attempted to have her removed by other means. She successfully foiled his plot and has remained within her postion until only recently when she found an oppurtunity to leave the city behind and settle somewhere new.
Lawful Good
Circumstances of Birth
Bastard Child of a Vampire Noble and a Magister
Blood Red
Long Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
119 lbs.
Amelia the Night Mother
Aligned Organization


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