Moon Haven Staff

The Staff of the Moon Haven Academy.


While Klexia Andronas founded the Academy, the day to day operations have been taken over by Numiner Andronas. She is recognized as the leader of the Academy by the other Teachers and is referred to as Headmistress by the Students. While she is Headmistress she is also the Professor who teaches lessons on Enchantment magic.   Obann teaches more martial Aspects that can be mixed with Magic in the same vein of his own fighting style. His lessons are on martial form and the weaving of magic into said martial prowess, though he struggles to answer all of his students questions he is an open and honest teacher as he is still learning as well.   Tereen is a Scribe and teaches Magic in a general sense, educating students on how to transcribe spells into scrolls and aiding those who use spell books in creating and maintaining them. She often ends up assisting Numiner in the day to day management of the Academy.   Kalresi is less an educator and more of a living demonstration of the effect curses and malicous enchantments on items can have on individuals. She acts as a Security officer for the Academy and when not on duty can usually be found with Tereen.   Alizain and Siora are paired professors that teach the Practice of Bardic Magic. The two give more practical lessons on speaking and the arts of persuasion in addition to their magical lessons. They are well liked by the students and are cited as the 'fun' Professors.   Naraxus does not teach her students on how to cast magic, instead teaching about Warlocks and the breed of magic they can access. She explains how pacts are formed and their consequences.   Caspian Arterian, once one of the most powerful mages of the Old World, fills in the gaps in students education. While not officially a teacher, he has been permitted to teach students and Numiner has apporached him about taking an official position within the Academy.


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