King Argunand Blackwall

I have no mercy for slaving maniacs. My family ruled this land for Milennia, I will not allow you to enslave those who remain.

King of the Blackwall Province, Argunand Bane Blackwall

The current ruler of Castle Blackwall and the son of Edmund Blackwall and Elan Tevara.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Argunand is of quite unintimidating stature, the shortest of all of his siblings and signifigantly smaller than either of his parents, many who meet him assume he is King in name only. They are mistaken.   Argunand's speciality does not stem from his physical might, but from the Magic within his blood. He was trained by his grandmother in the art of Spellcraft and the potency of his spells rivals that of True Devils, even Lord Casmodus has compared his power to that of the previous Lord of Cania, Mephistopheles.   While his magical strength is not apparent when not in use, one can observe it by the magic that can be observed sparking through his hair and clothing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Argunand was born to end a war. As part of the ongoing power struggle between Kaina Tevara and Lord Casmodus, Argunand was born to the King of the Blackwall Province, Edmund Blackwall. The King was a terrible ruler, opressing his people even during war time and harming them such that they had no choice but to flee his lands or waste away. Argunand was sent to study with his grandmother, Archdevil Kaina Tevara of Dis, in order to hone his magical gifts.   The study was brutal, with Kaina's life dependent on Angurand and his people winning the war, she drilled him for twelve long years and when he returned to Castle Blackwall he was almost glad to only have to deal with his father once more. He was relieved to see his mother still fighting, along with her youngest daughter after the other two had fled. Angurand joined his mother on the front lines and together they began to push back against New Cheliax. They eventually managed to hold a stalemate at the midpoint between their two capitals, a Fortress hewn into a mountain to rival Dwarven Make was their benchmark. The castle still stands as a testament to the power of the Blackwalls.   Upon returning to Castle Blackwall, Angurand and his mother disposed of his Father and named himself King. And here he has been ever since, rebuilding after the centuries of lax rule from his Father. He is beloved by his people and he cares for them more than any member of his family has before. He has declared that he will not take a wife, nor will he cease the war effort until either New Cheliax is destroyed or they can no longer pose a threat to his people.
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
2603 EP 171 Years old
Molten Orange
Short Well Kept Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Faded Red
125 lbs.


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