Elan Tevara

Only my son remained Loyal to the Family... I can't blame the girls for fleeing the war. I will do what I must should I meet them once more.

The Bloody Queen of Blackwall, Elan Saalima Tevara- Haman (a.k.a. The Daughter of Hell)

The Daughter of Kaina Tevara and the Lord of Avernus, Elan remains within Castle Blackwall to advise her son on matters of state.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elan is an imposing figure, sporting a massive frame befitting her status as the daughter of two Archdevils. Her body is scarred and old, a testament to how much of her life she has spent fighting for the Blackwall Province. The Bloody Queen has demonstrated that she has not grown weaker in the intervening years when she bore her children, when she stood alone against the Hellknight order of the Godclaw and slaughtered a battalion of them when her soldiers retreated before their overwhelming numbers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elan was born to the Archdevil Kaina Tevara in secret, born of a secret meeting between the Queen of Dis and the Burning General of Avernus. She grew up an outcast, disguised as a handmaiden to her mother and taught the ways of magic and combat in secret. When Lord Casmodus discovered her existence he attempted to kill her immediatley, being blocked by Kaina Tevara in her first act of Defiance in her service as Queen of Dis.   The two clashed for hours before Kaina was defeated and held at Casmodus' mercy. The God of the Hells offered her a gambit. The denizens of New Cheliax and the Denizens of Castle Blackwall had been warring for centuries and this could be a tipping point. This would be their proxy, if the people of Castle Blackwall, aided by Kaina and her daughter, could best the people of New Cheliax, bolstered by Casmodus' power, then Kaina and her daughter would be permitted to live. If the people of New Cheliax proved vicotrious, then Kaina would be executed and replaced with a new Loyal subject. Kaina agreed to the terms and she was released to make her preparations.   Elan was sent from the City of Dis to Castle Blackwall where she engaged in talks with the then King, Edmund Blackwall. She found him repugnant and rude but she knew what was at stake. She offered herself to him as a warrior and bride, an offer he nearly refused until she proved herself by besting his elite guards. Following her display of power he accepted. At the age of Sixteen, Elan became Queen of Castle Blackwall and bore her first child, Prince Antonius Blackwall.   Following the Birth of their son, Elan was sent to reclaim the greatset of the Blackwall's defenses against the armies of New Cheliax, The Ashen Tower. She was sent with only a paltry force of novice soldiers, the veterans were either dead or too injured to fight, and she returned with Victory and her soldiers alive. With the tower reclaimed she began implementing changes to the running of Castle Blackwall, a more fair rationing system and better treatment of its populace. This was not done out of kindness, merely neccessity, but the joy of the people and the gratitude changed the Queen. She began to force more changes upon the region, better use of its resources and more comfortable conditions for those who had been left out to rot.   With the support of the People, Elan proved a far more popular leader than Edmund Blackwall and following the birth of their third daughter, Elan and her son Antonius challenged Edmund and slew him. Antonius was named King and Elan became his advisor and a loyal general. In the years since her daughters have each fled the Blackwall Territory. She saw each defection approaching and subtly led them to the safety of their distant family in the form of Kartalos and Alizain Andronas. Following each defection, she publicly swore to dispose of the rogue Princesses herself should they ever return. In truth, she would do no such thing. She could not, for Hell's Fury has a heart.


Elan Tevara

Half Sister

Towards Kartalos Andronas, The Hellfire Mage


Kartalos Andronas, The Hellfire Mage

Half Brother

Towards Elan Tevara


Elan Tevara

Half Sister

Towards Alizain Andronas, Daughter of Alushinyrra


Alizain Andronas, Daughter of Alushinyrra

Half Sister

Towards Elan Tevara


Edmund Blackwall


Towards Elan Tevara

Elan Tevara


Towards Edmund Blackwall

Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Aiding her son
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Bloody Queen
The Daughter of Hell
The Daughter of Avernus
The Daughter of Dis
Hell's Fury
The Spirit of Victory
Year of Birth
2587 EP 187 Years old
Edmund Blackwall (spouse)
Current Residence
Castle Blackwall
Black with Orange Pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Red
310 lbs.


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