Madam Rose

I have had Greater Demons turn tail and run rather than face me... What makes you think you will be any different?

Madame Rosaria (a.k.a. Rose)

A mortal born Succubus and proprietor of the Sakura Petal Lounge, Madam Rose is a capable business woman and as ruthless as Malcanthet herself, if not as powerful as the Queen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rose was a commoner in the Old World who unwittingly entered into a contract with a greater demon. She rose through the ranks of her Kingdoms Aristocracy and eventually became the Mistress of the King. She usurped him and led her Kingdom to Prosperity, using her wits and cunning to ensure her people's liveliehood. She ruled until she was well into her fifties, until a group of Adventurers came claiming she was a tyrant and warmonger and summarily executed her.   Upon Dying Rose learned of the Deal she had stuck with the Demon and she was stripped of her name and identity, given the alias Rose and charged with ensuring her master's business, at the time a mere brothel, was successful. Rose begrudgingly did as she was commanded, a Prestigous Queen in life now a Demonic Whore. She spent years cultivating the Brothel into what it has become since and after a thousand years of Service, Rose was given more control over her master's Ventures. She went from running a single establishment to a collection of shops and stalls throughout Alushinryya. Shortly after this her Master failed to return from a trip and with no one to guide her she took charge of his investments until he returned.   In the Fourteen Milennia since, many have acused her of foul play but she points out that her Master's hold over her remains which means he must be alive. Many have attempted to prove her involvement only to come up empty handed or go missing themselves. Rose has been allowed to do as she pleases as long as she does not disrupt Malcanthet's dealings and many assume that the Demon Prince enjoy's Rose's drive and stubborness.

Gender Identity

Despite her ability to become an Incubus, Rose almost always remains in her succubus form.
Circumstances of Death
Executed by a group of Adventurers
Soft Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
105 lbs.
Ruled Locations


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