The Rose Petal Lounge

Come and forgot your woes travelers.

An upper class Brothel and bar within the city of Alushinyrra run by Madam Rose.

Purpose / Function

While the Lounge started as a simple Brothel, under Rose's leadership and management it has become a common gathering place for wealthy patrons and serves mainly wealthy mortals who enter the city from other planes.   The establishment employ's Tieflings and mortal born Demons almost exclusively, a decision made by Rose after her Master's disappearance.


The establishment maintains a staff of about twenty Men and Women as Courtesans and a small amount of other staff including Rose and Security.


The Lounge features a group of Bouncers of rotating shifts, including a pair of Glabrezu, a Tanarukk and a Draegloth.
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners


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