
I once met a Marid, she was the kindest person I've ever met. Then I woke up in the morning and found everything but my sword and my clothes gone. Couldn't even be mad, she was just that fun.

The Marids are the Genies of the Elemental Plane of Water, they generally keep to themselves but interact with others for amusement. They are far and away the most carefree and mischevous of all Genies.

Basic Information


Marids tend to look like humanoids made of water or have other features that are Water reminiscent. Nearly all Marids are Feminine in appearance with males being very rare.   Elder Marids tend to look more solid and humanoid and most lose a bit of their playful rebelious spirit.

Genetics and Reproduction

Marids can reproduce with any humanoid race although this is rare to happen as the resposibility in raising a child is repugnant to them. Most Marids who do bare children are quick to leave them with the other parent or in the case of Elder Marids, actually raise the child.   Most Children born to Marids are Water Genasi.


Marids are playful and easygoing, not often demanding respect or gifts like the rest of their kin. Most Marids can be found leisurely passing the days within The Elemental Plane of Water, though they are known to happen across the occasional seafarer upon The Material Plane, while others take residence in Lakes and play tricks upon mortals, though their pranks are often harmless.   Marids tend to hate any form of Responsibility and most often leave if it is thrust upon them, though some like Nalian mar Cesier do take it upon themselves as powerful protectors.


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