Nalian mar Cesier (Nah-Lee-an mah-are See-share)

You know, you could stay. We are both ageless and Naraxus is as well... You could stay here with me... If you wished. I spent mine to bring you back.

Sultaness Nalian Cesier (a.k.a. The River of Blades)

An Elder Marid from the Elemental Plane of Water and ruler of the Silver Fleet, Nalian is a young Elemental by her peoples standards and seeks to protect her people. She is also an old friend of Gattaxus Void.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nalian was born of the waves on a white sand beach upon one of the few Islands among the endless seas of the Elemental Plane of Water. She was alone at first but a few days after she emerged from the waves she found a young man upon the beach as she was cutting open a Coconut for her morning meal. This man was strange, she tended to his wounds and noted his purple skin, horns and the fact that he seemed to have been mildly crushed. A few days after he washed ashore, he finally awoke and seemed in a frantic state, as if he were still fighting his foe.   Nalian calmed him down and offered him a roasted fish as a piece offering. He took the offer and calmed down, if just a little. He recounted to her the tale of how he was trying to subjugate a Kraken to obey him. He had lost but he ws sure he could do it. Nalian laughed and told him that was probably a bit out of his league, as she had a bit of innate knowledge on how they worked. He brushed off her comments and carried on with his tales of how he had fought so many of the undersea creatures he had come across. She listened to his stories and they wore the night away as he recounted his many adventures in the great sea. By the time morning arrived their fire had long gone out and the two had fallen asleep in the middle of one of the young man's stories.   As the sun hit their camp, Nalian awoke to a beautiful view of the sun reflecting across the waves. The young man awoke to see her illuminated by the sunrise, her watery skin reflecting the light in just the right way to illumintate her in the most beautiful way. He introduced himself as Gattaxus Void, Son of Cthulu. She introduced herself as Nalian mar Cesier, giving herself her own name. She offered her hand in friendship, willing to help him on his next fantastical adventure.   The two of them leapt into the surf and sped away through the sea, off to find some creature to test themselves against. She had a blade from when she emerged from the waves and she was eager to see how she fared against one her new friends adventurous monsters.   The two never did find a Kraken to fight, but they did spend a few years together hopping from island to island and discovering trinkets and their own abilities. Nalian learned she had an innate ability to manipulate the waters around her and bend them to her whim, While Gattaxus discovered his magic that he had inherited from his father. The two were terrors to the other Marids across the planes, preffering to be mischevious and a menace to Nalian's Elders than to show them any form of respect.   It was nearly two centuries on before something truly terrible happened. They were fighting another Marid who had commandeered an old mortal Ship and Nalian watched as Gattaxus, her friend of two centuries, was cleaved from shoulder to waist by the Marid's blade. His body fell apart into green ooze that quickly washed away. Nalian rushed her opponent, determined to kill him. She eventually drove her fist into his chest and ripped out his heartstone, watching as he melted away with a hatred she had never felt before, the seas around her churning with her rage. She took the heartstone into herself taking in her vanquished foes power. She wrecked the ship upon a rocky shoal and laid among the stones, at a loss of what to do without her constant companion. After a few weeks of malaise she rose from the waves and set off to one of the Islands she knew was nearby. It took her nearly five years but she eventually managed to get a ship constructed, not nearly as large as the Galleon she had wrecked, but much more her style. She set off, sailing her vessel around looking for someone to add that sense of adventure to her life that she had experienced with Gattaxus.   After a few months she did find other oceangoers. It was a small vessel of humans who were lost at sea, somehow they had ended up here after they had witnessed a pair of gods dueling on the Material Plane. Nalian welcomed them aboard, saying they could stay aboard until she found them a way home. They volunteered to help her sail as she was operating off just a limited knowledge of how to navigate, and she accepted gladly. After a few days she was reffered to as Captain by those she had picked up, and after nearly four months of sailing, there were murmurs of 'Why would we go back? She's so much better than back home.' and other such suggestions. She welcomed them to stay and over the next few years she picked up other lost crews most of whom stayed on permanently, with her single ship growing into a fleet of five, ten, twenty vessels after nearly two decades of sailing.   After so long upon the seas, she was an accomplished sailor and navigator, with she and her crews charting the Elemental Plane of Water, copies of their charts are still used today, and she had cut deals with other Marids for supplies and safe passage through areas of the plane. She still missed Gattaxus but she knew that was an impossiblity that she would see him again, until one day nearly fifty years into her sailing adventures, when a pair of her young crewmen, a pair of Water Genasi Siblings, dredged up a familiar face in their fishing net, battered and bruised once again. Nalian immedaitley set about tending the wounds of her old friend and caring for him until he reawkened. She wrapped him in a hug as soon as he was awake, now understanding how much she had missed him.   The two spent the next few days recounting their adventures and how Gattaxus was still alive. He explained that he had awoken deep beneath the waves, uninjured and confused, his memories all skewed and not understandable. He had spent a few years just drifting before he managed to piece together his mind and began exploring once again, hoping to reunite with his old friend. Nalian explained to him her years of sailing and introduced him to her fleet as her age old friend. The two spent several years together, with her teaching him the MANY things she had learned during his absence, and more than just sailing.   Eventually Nalian decided that their ships needed to be redone, most were beginning to have rot set in on their hulls and they were cramped and uncomfortable, hardly a place that her people could live properly. In their travels they had come across a few of her kin who owned ports across the plane, and they had ways of making ships that mortals could only dream of. She headed for one of these ports while Gattaxus was called away by a voice within his head, promising to return as soon as he could. Nalian's heart sank at this but they spent one last night together before she watched him dissapear beneath the waves, for the last time. She promised the sky in his absence that he would be in for a surprise if he did come back.   At the port she commisioned a fleet of ships of her own design, modeled after the island cities of the Air Elemental Plane that she had heard tell of, and designed for both function and comfort, with a fleet of Galleons to guard the large city ships. The construction process was years long and she and her people had to defend the port from more than one threat, one year a Kraken threatened the shipyards, another an Elder Djinni arrived to take her people as his servants whom she slayed and absorbed his heartstone, granting her the powers of the Tempest as well as the waves. With two elements under her command she was a deterrent to anything that threatened the Port from then on, with an Ancient Dragon turtle arriving at the port and agreeing to follow her instead of attempting to fight.   When her fleet was complete she named herself Sultanesse of the newly founded Silver Fleet and set off on the waves once more, still waiting for Gattaxus to return, assuming that he only did not care to return if he had not returned at this point. She carried on regardless, still leading her fleet while her ships and her Dragon Turtle protected them.   Since the return of Gattaxus and Naraxus' departure for Dragon's Claim Keep, Nalian has been more lively than ever. The skies surrounding the Silver Fleet brim with untold power of storms and none of the threats she struggled against previously have deterred her in any way. She enjoys the company of Gattaxus and she has made offers for him to simply retire from the adventuring life, to stay at her side forever to explore the Fathomless Depths of the Plane of Water.




Admiral and Sultanesse of the Silver Fleet, she manages the many affairs of her fleet of ships.


Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Protecting the Silver Fleet
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The River of Blades, Queen of the Sea and Skies, Sultaness of the Silver Fleet
Current Residence
The Silver Fleet
Sea Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sky Blue
6' 11"
180 lbs.
Known Languages
Aquan, Primordial, Common

Articles under Nalian mar Cesier


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