Masre Tevara

So Aunty, where are we going today?

Traitor Princess Masre Linfel Tevara (a.k.a. The Mad Axe)

The Youngest Daughter of Elan Tevara and Edmund Blackwall, Masre Tevara is a constant companion to her Aunt, Ashara Andronas.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Masre shows more Draconic features than her mother and her hair is a constantly smoldering mass of Hellfire.

Specialized Equipment

Masre wields an Axe forged for her by the Smiths of Mount Celestia, as she has an unfortunate habit of spreading Infernal Influence with her presence. The Axe counteracts this and augments her strikes as a bonus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Masre was born only a week before her mother and older brother slew her father to remove him from the Leadership of Castle Blackwall. She was trained to fight by her mother and in her first battle she proved to be a monstrous combatant, slaughtering a group of Cheliaxian knight to a man. Her physical strength outstrips even her mother, a mutation resulting from her physical instability due to the various bloodline in her body. As she approached adulthood, she grew more and more disillusioned with the War with New Cheliax and rather than slink away as her Older sisters had, she approached her mother directly and voiced her desire to leave.   Elan allowed her daughter to escape the Province and directed her towards Dragonholme where her Aunt and Uncle lived. Masre made her way north and upon arriving in Dragonholme she was greeted by her older sisters. While the two of them had settled into life in Dragonholme, Masre felt restless trying to stay within the Kingdom and instead offered her services as a bodyguard to Ashara Andronas. The Archlich laughed off the idea at first but as Masre pestered her more frequently, she gave up refusal and allowed the girl to accompany her. She now spends her days following her "Aunt Ashe" around the world and doing odd jobs when Ashara is busy. She is an unoffcial Venture Captain of the Dragonholme Adventurer's Guild.
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
2615 EP 159 Years old
Molten Orange
Flowing Red Hellfire
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Icy Blue
185 lbs.
Ziel Viendal


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