
I went to Moromel once. Watched a deer take three arrows to the neck and it ran off. It came back that night and dragged my best mate into the woods. We never found the body. - Guildmaster Jax of Visturan

One of the Southern Continents and a place of violence and Dark Powers.


The Southern Continent of Moromel is a wild and rough land. Beautiful Forests and Mountain Vistas, snaked through by winding rivers and clear lakes, all hiding the monsters within them.   The Entire Continent is covered by Temperate forests and dotted with mountains that were used to divide the Regions within it. The wilds are home to Beastial Spirits and the entire continent is a common home for Hags and other more mystical spell weavers.   Of the three Provinces, The Efrezi Province is the most developed among them, with much of its coastline being developed for ports and the interior being developed into Farmland. This region is plagued by wild spirits attempting to reduce the farmsteads to ruins and reclaim the land on which they were built. The Efrezi Family has taken every step they can to reduce this, including taking the torch to the wild dens the monsters crawl out of. It is not uncommon to see Druids fighting alongside these spirits and these most Primal of Spellcasters will return the burn teams sent to destroy their wild allies back to civilization as twisted abominations that tear down what they can before simply falling dead.   The Blackwall Province is currently embroiled in a centuries long Civil War between the Blackwall Loyalists in the Northern half of the Province and the people of new Cheliax in the south. The People of New Cheliax hold much of the Viable farmland and forests within the Province and thus enjoy much more security in their dealings, though they are often plagued by the same spirits and beasts that raid the Efrezi Province. In the northern half of the Province rests Castle Blackwall and its infamous Hell Gate, which has allowed the influence of the Hells to seep into the surrounding lands. Much of Blackwall territory is either Blasted Hellscape or Toxic Swamp and the only reason that the Blackwalls have not been overun by their enemies is a constant supply of resources from both the Hells and the Efrezi province.   The Domnel Province is less developed than the other coastal Provinces and it is only sparsely populated by villages outside of its capital. The rest is Coniferous Forest and mountain territory. The Southern Province is often more wintry and colder than its counterparts and the people that live here are hardy and strong. Unlike the other provinces, the Domnelians have made peace with the spirits of their lands, thusly do they work alongside them.   Finally the Capital Province rests within the Central and western part of the Continent. Surrounded on all sides by Ancient Forests and Massive Mountains, the only Guranteed supply route for the city is by river. The heartland of Moromel is among the most wild places in the world these days, with ancient beasts and monsters unknown preying upon the region and its isolated roads.

Localized Phenomena

The Continent of Moromel is home to unique magics that allow for far more powerful and larger than previously thought possible beasts to form. These Kaiju beasts are the oldest and greatest of their kind and display enough intelligence to converse in the common tongue, should they feel obliged. The most well known are the Elk of the Efrezi Province, the Bound Wolf of New Cheliax, The Domnel Bear and Mother Weaver, a Massive Spider of the Capital Province.   Druids of Moromel are far more Savage than their counterparts in other regions, often adorning themselves with the Bones of those they have killed and offering those who trespass upon the wilds as sacrfices to the beasts of the Land. They do not participate in the Druidic Council of Evergarden and they are openly hostile to nearly all civilization.


In the Ancient Days of the Old World, Moromel appeared to have been developed into a thriving Continent of bustling trade and mechanical wonder. However, either during the fall of the Old World or during the first days of the Purge War, the machinery and ancient cities began to fall, either to weapons unknown or primal rage it is unknown, with only a fraction of the Survivors making it to the cities that became the last bastions, those being Port Oveil, Castle Blackwall, Verona and, of course, Kervalden.   Little is known of what transpired during those years save that those within the cities fought tooth and claw to keep themselves alive and when the fighting ended, the thriving nation was gone, replaced by monolithic forests over the whole of the Continent. Trees soaring hundred ofs feet into the air and beasts of proportional size dwelling among them. It was during the defense of Kervalden that the Goddess Pandemos manifested to defend her city and its people.   In the intervening years progress has been slow to recover. Villages have dotted the landscape, only suriving because of the limited trade that flows through them and the occasional adveturer group. Much Old World Knowledge lays hidden in the wilds of Moromel, the ruined cities of the past age can be found under centuries of forests grown out of their hollowed out husks, making this a promising spot for adventurers to gather and earn large amounts of coin.
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of Monsters, The Titanic Forests
Included Organizations


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