New Cheliax

The land that proves Mortals can be just as bad, or even worse, than Devils.

New Cheliax is a newly founded land on the continet of Moromel composed of survivors of the Old Cheliaxian Empire of Golarion. The People here continue to practice Diabolism and Devil Binding as their ancestors did in Old Cheliax and the Hellknight Orders have reformed themselves within the nations borders.


New Cheliax is an Imperial Monarchy with an Abolute ruler, King Antonius Thrune curently sits upon the Throne, and with day to day operations operate by Nobility.


The People of New Cheliax are a people dedicated to Law, though many outsiders struggle to comprehend what the Cheliaxians define as Law. Cheliax sees itself and its people as inherently greater than any other and thus they believe that they should rule others through right and might. The People of Cheliax view strength and power as the evidence that one has the right to rule and such it is that they enslave others, primarily those of non human ancestry, and force them to work.   The Nobility of Cheliax is composed of the usual Merchants and Public Officials but also contains members of the Hellknights as well as Summoners and Devilbinders. It is not uncommon for a noble of New Cheliax to have a Devilkin Servant bound to their service and the more powerful nobility bind even more powerful demons. While few have the power to bind Devils such as a Pit Fiend, some have the power neccessary to accomplish such things. Many shops and estates are operated by Bound Devil Servants. The Gods of the Hells allow this practice as they to believe in rule by strength and if the Devilkin are weak enough to be bound by a human then they were clearly weak. A handful have attempted to bind the Archdevils themselves but each met with a horrid fate instead. One Arrogant noble once attempted to Bind the Lord of the Hells himself and for his hubris, Casmodus had him mounted upon an Iron Cross within the Capital of New Egorian where the man still lives as a warning to any who would attempt to bind the God himself.


New Cheliax was founded by the Survivors of Cheliax on Golarion and after being driven from their ancient lands following the Unification they landed upon Moromel and, with the aid of Devils, constructed a new Capital in the style of Old Cheliax. The Royal House of Thrune oversaw the exodus and led the people to their new Land where they used their ancient arts of Devil Binding and Summoning to revive the ways of Old Cheliax.   The New Cheliaxians came into conflict with the people of the Blackwall Province and clashed with the Blackwall Family, seeing them as less than human and wishing to enslave them. Since that initial conflict, New Cheliax and the People of Castle Blackwall have been engaged in an ongoing war, a war which now serves as a proxy for the Conflict between The Lord of Nessus, Casmodus and the Queen of Dis, Kaina Tevara.

We will bring Order to the Entire World.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
New Cheliax uses Imperial Crowns, Golden Coins emblazoned with the Insignia of the Nation on One side and the Holy Symbol of Casmodus on the Other.
Official State Religion


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