Mount Celestia

Them Angel's aint right in the Head anymore. They fight with the Gods man, ain't Angels supposed to serve the Gods?

Mount Celestia is the home of the Original Angels of Almura, once the peak of Good aligned creatures and the Bastion of Law in the Upper Planes. Now it remains home to the Good Aligned creatures of the Upper Planes but welcomes far more than the Angels who once called it home and the Plane of Heaven has replaced it as the Bastion of Law.


Mount Celestia is composed of seven realms along the surface of a massive mountain reaching across the Space of Seven different Planes of Existence. These seven realms vary on their inhabitants and the ways in which they manifest but each is comfortable to live in and pleasant to most forms of Life.


Each realm of Mount Celestia is primarily inhabited by two Angelic Hosts, legions of Angels who can number anywhere from One to Ten Million in population. Overseeing Each Angelic Host is an Archangel, Paragons that each hosts mimics the traits of.   For Example the First Host, overseen by Archangel Ari Ashdew, now generates Lighting and utilizes it in their fighting style while also taking on Ari's generally dark and brooding mood. The Second Host, led by Archangel Zefer Ashdew, are fierecly independent and prefer to engage targets alone or in pairs. The Second Host also spends far more time interactign with the other Planes, primarily the Material Plane and its People, than the other Angelic Hosts.
Plane of Existence
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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