Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light

Archangel of the Second Celestial Host, Zefer Ashdew (a.k.a. Z)

Archangel of the Second Celestial Host, Zefer is the Successor to Archangel Alariel among the Archangels of Mount Celestia.

Divine Domains

Zefer has power over the Divine Domains of Duty, Family, Fire, Luck, Sun and Trickery.


During her time as a Mortal, Zefer was a renowned Hoarder of Magical Objects and Weapons. Her most Prominent Weapons were The Saber of Sacred Light, A Holy Avenger and her own Divine Weapon, A Sacred Spear.

While she dislikes sharing from her collection, she has been known to bestow weapons to Mortals who earn her respect, with the promise that they will be returned.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

As an Archangel, Zefer is sworn to fight against the Abyss and its horrors. She is one of the Fourteen Archangels that lead regular invasions of the Abyss.

Any other Personal Goals are hers and hers alone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zefer's appearance differs from her Angelic compatriots immensley. Her wings appear Feathered but the feathers are more akin to Dragon Scales than anything else. Her wings are made up of Emerald Green, Ruby Red and Golden Scales. Additionally her hands and feet both possess claws instead of normal nails and some say her hands are webbed. She has on at least one occassion been seen tunneling through the Earth with ease.

Special abilities

Her Abilities as an Archangel are as follows:
  • She can Manifest a Halo that burns Undead and heals allies.
  • She is a master combatant, able to stand on equal terms with Archangels many millenia her senior.
  • Her Draconic Wings hint at the Ability for her to breath Elemental Weapons as a Dragon would.
  • She may Summon members of her Host to her side from nearly anywhere on the Planes.
  • Apparel & Accessories

    Zefer's Celestial Armor features Heavenly Ribbons that can bind allies or enemies to prevent them from dying.

    Specialized Equipment

    Zefer wields numerous weapons including but not limited to. 1. A Holy Avenger 2. The Saber of Sacred Light. crafter by Ismera of the Feywild and Caspian Arterian 3. Her own Sacred Spear which shares her name 4. A Rapier of Sharpness. 5. A set of Daggers forged from the Scales of Obyssia the Obsidian Dragon

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Following the Battle with Mazerath, Zefer split her time between her Celestial Duties and the Mortal Realm, allowing her Heavenly Host to do so as well. Nearly all of her time was spent in the Newly founded Nation of Dragonholme, where her spouses resided. While her children went their own ways they returned to see their mother frequently, often sharing new tales of their own adventures and the lands following the Renewal of Almura.

    Her life continued on in much the same way until the Gods of Heaven from Golarion began to intrude on Mount Celestia's Sovereignty. When her Brother, Ari Ashdew, was near Fatally Wounded by Iomedae in an arguement, Zefer did battle with the Goddess alone and brought the Inheritor to her knees, her blade only stayed by the words of her friend, The Goddess Klexia Andronas. (It is believed that Pharasma persuaded Klexia's intervention as the Goddess of Knowledge has had an antagonistic relationship with Iomedae since she arrived in Almura) Following this incident, Zefer remained within Celestia far more than she had previously. But unwilling to leave her loved ones within the Mortal Realm, Zefer enlisted her fellow Archangel Earavos to devise a way to allow her family to freely come and go as they pleased. Within the year Earavos had crafted a means to allow her family to freely traverse the realm of Celestia.
    The relationship between Heaven and Celestia has remained mostly amicable in the time since, thanks in part to efforts by Cian Lamplier to ease tensions as the Obsidian Ape would rather not deal with a war between the Celestial Realms. However Zefer and Iomedae have been in indirect conflict since. Zefer does not maintain any form of Formal following, just a loose collection of those she bestows power upon when they have need or impress her. Iomedae's followers have been known to impede or disrupt the goals of Zefer's followers, though they do not go so far as to resort to violence. Notably the Goddess Milani, Iomedae's Sworn Sister, has sided with Zefer in this matter, aiding the Archangels when neccessary.

    Once Ari had fully recovered from his injury the Archangels he declared that Celestia would remain entirely independent of Heaven, upsetting many of the Gods within Heaven immensely. The Archangels have continued their duties in defending the Mortal Realms from the Lower Planes but now contend with occasional incursions of the Celestial Denizens of Heaven as well. A handful of deities of Heaven, The Dwarven God Torag chief among them, have continued to work with Celestia despite the feud and this has further incensed Iomedae, though she would not retaliate against her own.


    Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Towards Shizani Ashdew


    Shizani Ashdew


    Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Towards Halvreth




    Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Towards Lord of the Ninth, Asmodeus

    Lord of the Ninth, Asmodeus


    Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light

    Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Towards Doctor Shizani Ashdew


    Doctor Shizani Ashdew


    Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    King of Edin, Acren Eld


    Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light

    Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Towards King of Edin, Acren Eld

    Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Towards Headchef Halvreth Ashdew

    Headchef Halvreth Ashdew


    Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light

    Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


    Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge

    Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


    Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light

    Divine Classification
    Chaotic Good
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Archangel of the Second Host
    Successor of the Light
    Guardian of Dragonholme
    Patron of Thieves
    Angel of Greed
    The Dragon Angel
    The Defender of Celestia
    Shizani Ashdew (Partner)
    Halvreth (Husband)
    Current Residence
    Mount Celestia
    Brown with streaks of Fiery Red
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    165 lbs.


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