Pharasma, The Lady of Graves

I favor no one and nothing. My duty is to judge the dead and send them to their afterlife.

The Lady of Graves Pharasma

The Lady of Graves is the Judge of the Dead and the Oldest Deity in both Golarion and Almura. She resides within her Boneyard where she judges all the Souls of the Dead.

Divine Domains

Pharasma wields Mastery over the Divine Domains of Death, Fate, Healing, Knowledge, Time, Soul and Vigil.

Tenets of Faith

Pharasma's Faith preaches that all things must eventually come to an end, and they view Undeath as the highest Perversion of the Natural Order of the World.   The only Notable Exceptions to this rule are the Dead God Vecna and his successor, Klexia Andronas. Due to their role in ensuring the survivors of Golarion arrived in Almura and their stated goal of guiding Mortals in the pursuit of Knowledge she and her faithful not only tolerate the young Goddess but activley work with her faithful in their goals.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Pharasma's Divine Goals are rather simple, she and her Psychopomps will see each and every living soul judged and assigned to its place in the Outer Planes. She views the destruction of a soul as an act of heresy and defilement of the Natural Order.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pharasma appears as a large human woman with exceptionally pale features. She wears an elegant Black and Red Dress and carries an hourglass filled with red sand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to the Concordance of Rivals, Pharasma is the oldest being in creation, the sole Survivor of the previous multiverse's destruction. She was responsible for shaping the new reality in its earliest days and shielding it from Those Who Remain, who have always lived outside the multiverse.   According to the Windsong Testaments, she appeared alone in this new reality and, through the use of the Seal, willed most of existence into being, including the Outer Sphere, numerous planes and the eight earliest gods. Along with Yog-Sothoth, she became one of the two anchors of creation, and between Pharasma and Yog-Sothoth, the Age of Creation began with the birth of the Great Beyond.   Pharasma is counted among one of the original gods that opposed Rovagug. She magically imbued the Dead Vault with potent wards against escape, to serve as Rovagug's prison. Sometime after, Urgathoa's escape from the Boneyard and return to the Material Plane brought undead and disease to the world. Pharasma was a part, albeit minor, of the Thassilonian pantheon, acting as the goddess of death. During the tumultous exodus of Azlanti refugees after Earthfall, Pharasmin priests oversaw funerals that conscrated the lands and prevented the dead from rising as undead.   The death of Aroden, the first of the ascended gods, at the end of the Age of Enthronement, was extremely unexpected. His death was not prophesied, and once he died, most of the other prophecies in the world started to go awry as well. Many of Pharasma's priests have lost their faith or have gone mad as a result, but those who remain, are finding that Pharasma's hold over prophecy is becoming less important, while her domain over death, birth, and fate, are growing stronger. It is a time of change for Pharasma and her faith. Some legends say that Pharasma knew the death of Aroden was approaching, but chose not to tell her followers for reasons unknown.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of Graves
Lady of Mysteries
Mother of Souls
The Gray Lady
The Survivor
Flowing White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White/Grey
Ruled Locations

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