Atropos, The Last Sister

The Last Sister, Atropos

The youngest Daughter of Pharasma, Atropos is currently being groomed by Pharasma to be her successor when the Lady of Graves finally passes

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Atropos’s physical manifestation is both majestic and symbolic. She appears as an enormous nosoi wearing a silver plague mask, and has a peacock tail of infinite length. Each eye on this tail represents a soul she is destined to judge. However, she is also known to take the form of a young human girl, especially when present in Pharasma’s court, presumably because the that tail causes quite the stir!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atropos, known as the Last Sister and the Judge of Judges, is on of the most influential bloods in the courts of the Underlands. She serves as the ultimate arbitrator of the fate of mortal, her authority second only to Pharasma, the goddess of fate, death, and rebirth. As the youngest daughter of Pharasma, Atropos’s role is shrouded in mystery, with little known about her predecessors, if any exist at all. The chant amongst psychopomps is that Pharasma is grooming Atropos to succeed her, a role that will become crucial when the universe eventually undergoes its death and rebirth.   In her current capacity, Atropos presides over the domain of sleep, a role that aligns with her being in a state of preparation for greater responsibilities in the future. She handles the most sensitive and challenging cases among petitioners, particularly the souls of fallen children, reflecting her compassionate and profound nature in dealing with delicate matters of the afterlife.   When her mother allowed Ashara and Kartalos Andronas to ascend to Psychopomp Ushers, Atropos was the first to approach the two of them and not whisper at them from the shadows. Despite the Psychopomps general hatred of Undead, Atropos is not bothered by Ashara's Lichdom and has been frequently seen in her company when not occupied by her duties.
Divine Classification
Psychopomp Usher


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