Shinryu Varag

Defenseless? Me? Oh, no. My fists are weapon enough for you. And if I truly feel pressed, I have a font of magic to destroy you with.

Shinryu Shaw Varag (a.k.a. Shin)

The Sapphire Dragon Child of Rena Varag and Suyuzu the Sapphire Dragon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shinryu is a Sapphire Dragon who was born with Innate Magical abiliites and is being trained by their parent, Suyuzu, in martial aspects of combat. They have learned their Mother's trade of Forging and are being trained within the Hammerfall Arena by the other dragons of the keep in the art of self defense.   They study magic at the Moon Haven Academy under Numi.   Since his altercation with Ashara within the Moon Haven he has been avoiding the Tower and instead honing his craft alone within the Hammerfall Arena with Suyuzu as a sparring partner.   He appears to have peaked the interest of Ashlen as she was seen conversing with him following the altercation. The two later sparred within the Arena and she handily defeated him, using the skills taught to her by the Ashdew family. It seems Ashlen took his insulting approach to provoking Kartalos very personally and has reprimanded him herself. Following this she has been seen giving him advice on how to wield weaponry and how to interact with people.   Shinryu was taken by the Demon Prince Malcanthet alongside Ashlen Andronas and following his stay in the Abyss, he has become Rude, Angry and Violent. He has spent nearly fifty seven years working in a brother as their star attraction due to his innate magical presence being a means of feeding Sucuubi. He has tattoos upon his skin to aid in the channeling of magic for his spells and as means to allow him to draw upon the natural force known as Ki.   Despite being popular with all the patrons of the Golden Lotus, Shinryu has unfortunately drawn the darker elements with his anger and bad attitude. He may have healers on hand after each client but he is as likely to end up fighting as servicing those who purchase his time. This combination has turned him to drink and other substances to numb the feelings that run through him and the combination of these elements has led to a corruption of his body and soul, he is connected to the Abyss on a deeper level than most who simply visit and given a century he may become a full demon. He has cut off nearly all contact with his "friends" since they parted ways.

Gender Identity

While he has been presenting as male for much of his life, including all of that spent in the Abyss, he is perfectly comfortable in his feminine form should it better suit his present situation.   His Male form still has a delicate air to it and many who see him describe him as "Pretty".


Shinryu is Pansexual, as his time at the Golden Lotus has shown, where he took all manner of clients.


During his time in the Abyss, he has had precious few opportunities for schooling but he has managed to cobble together a form of education. When not busy with clients he studied under a mortal martial artist within the city and his mentor also forced him to study tomes and other forms of written manuscript in line with his ideology. Shinryu does enjoy learning, when he is given the chance to.


Formerly Employed at the Sakura Petal Lounge before being removed for murder and violence. Following this he found work at the Golden Lotus.
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Birth
Drunken Accidental Conception
Parents (Adopting)
Non Binary
Dark Grey
Short Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
110 lbs.
Rena Varag


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