Suyuzu (See-You-Zoo)

No Shinryu, you cannot threaten people into proving your Superiority. Just because your mother is strong does not mean you can be arrogant. No come ba- *sigh* What am I doing wrong?

Suyuzu (a.k.a. Sue)

A Sapphire Dragon rescued from the Iron Hounds, Suyuzu is a young but curious dragon. They have taken up residence at the Hammerfall Arena after being brought there by Rena Varag. While not physically strong, they are very graceful and after some miscommunication, Rustean Aldlith has forged them a blade modeled after the one they lost when they were captured by the Iron Hounds.   They are an excellent wielder of their Katana and they seek to better their skills in combat so that they may avoid capture in the future.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Suyuzu was born in the Bleakstone Mountains when their mother fashioned their egg from Pure Magic. The resulting Egg experienced a very rare effect that caused the unborn child within to split, resulting in two hatchlings. Suyuzu was born a very lean and quick creature while their brother was born with brawn and weight. The two were raised by their mother in a mountainside spring for nearly fifty years, their mother had been close with a High Elven Samurai and she taught the two the basics of swordsmanship.   When Suyuzu was 54 and ready to begin branching out away from their mother, tragedy struck as a tribe of Ogres descended upon their private spring and attacked the three dragons. While Suyuzu's brother was able to escape the melee, Suyuzu themself was not so lucky. They were ensnared in a one of the Ogre's nets, though before a killing blow could be struck Suyuzu's mother managed to free her child before recieving a spear to the heart. Without Guidance and a home to return to, the two dragons split apart.   Suyuzu dug themself a cave in which to rest and collect things for their hoard, while their brother launched attack after attack against the ogres that had destroyed their home. Eventually he had wiped them out, and when Suyuzu approached him he lashed out at his sibling, viewing it as their weakness that had gotten their mother killed. The two fought and Suyuzu was forced to admit defeat when their front leg was crippled.   Despite their energy and pain at their brother blaming them, Suyuzu carried on. They collected weapons and trinkets from the fewpassers by the area recieved. They trained with the Blade their mother had made for them and began to have a fondness for such weapons, collecting any those who attacked them possessed.   When the Iron Hounds came for them, their blade was lost and their cave was ruined. They saw their brother once again, only for him to be taken away by Mazerath. Shortly after they were freed by the Chaotic Seven and returned to them at their keep. They now live within the Hammerfall Arena, determined to be strong and not fail again.     Now that they have spent some time at the Keep and had a child, Suyuzu has put in more of an effort to learn and grow. They have begun to understand more of the normal mannerisms of conversation and interaction than they did previously and have become more accustomed to being around people. While they are not normal in any sense, they do fit in much more easily now than when they first arrived.   Following Shinryu's birth they were confused on how to interact with the child as they seemed more innately intelligent and aware than their parent was, much to their annoyance and confusion. They attempted discipline but none of the gentler methods of discipline had any effect and they could not bring themselves to use any form of violent or aggressive action to motivate change. Fortunatley, following Ashara threatening them they have become signifigantly more reserved and calm, willing to listen to their parent and follow rules.   Suyuzu is happy for Shinryu's friendship with Ashlen, as the child is learning better from the Black Dragon who has spent her whole life around people than Suyuzu could ever hope to teach. They do also respect Ashlen's young age and yet deft experience with her weapons of choice.




Towards Suyuzu




Towards Taivo


Rena Varag


Towards Suyuzu



Towards Rena Varag

Chaotic Good
Current Status
Practicing with the Blade
Current Location
207 Years Old
Circumstances of Birth
Formed from mana, Split Egg resulted in twin Dragons
Rena Varag (spouse)
Taivo (Brother)
Current Residence
Hammerfall Arena
Dark Brunette
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sapphire Blue Scales / Fair Skin
12' 8" or 5'6"
5 Tons or 107 lbs.


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